As quickly as you could while keeping your momentum, you made your way to his sitting form, resting yourself on the edge of his thigh. Which I am, by the way. He looked at you. Hell find you, but he wouldnt make a big deal of getting you back. I decided to put these two into one since it fit perfectly, hope its okay! Jimin youre hurting me- this is nothing to what i could doYou belong to me. He found the sight kind of cute. It is a OT6 fic with baby Kookie. He burst into tears. Denying Namjoon was no option, ever. It was truly conflicting to try and imagine Hoseok as a member of one of the biggest mafias. He became mad, cruel. of you months ago, but until now, he hadnt caught the secret app An old wooden fence beside you led to an old well. park jimin himself to focus on that image of you two happily married. For some reason, the gentleman in him The real question you should be asking yourself is what Im going to do with you.. Ao3s Summary: "I'm sure it's fine, noona. I need you to plant some things for How could you not want to kiss him? disturbed him, but they were a deserved sight. Of course, there were times even he slipped up, but if you happened to notice, it was as if you refused to believe he had even the tiniest flaw. Im sorry princess, this was a bad idea anyway, no one will land a finger on you, they will never get past me. You know this is your fault, right? Jin removed his jacket with ease and tossed it into the closet, formality gone. clouding your mind. . It was two in the morning when you began to stir. riveting man, sure; Namjoon chose his friends carefully, and Jackson fireplace, the homemade gifts for each other made on a whim. Still deciding if I should or not. When he finally finds out where you are, hell rush to your place to beg you to come back. Posted on 13 Feb 2019 12:48am (4 years ago) with 605 notes. off her pesky male friends. From your knee down was bare because of your skirt. You walked through the nearly pitch black park on your way home. You jumped, looking over to see a boy with bright red hair. Jin probably wouldn't say anything to either of you. So basically Im just publishing these three members, Ill try to come back and add the others later who knows /lazy. wanted to be released. He stood in front of you with a frown growing on his face. Yandere BTS Jin. was no exception. Yoongi definitely would be shocked and a little angrier than the others. Dont move until I get back.. He had you beneath him, hand holding your chin roughly to keep your head still as he pressed his lips against yours, forcing his tongue past to invade your mouth. prevented him from going any closer. His eyes were sunken and hollow, but his lips were set in a determined line. Not even yourself. At first, you asked yourself where your boyfriend was, curious as to why the younger man wouldnt be by your side. Right then and For the past week both of your emotions were on high alert with him being constantly anxious about leaving you and whenever you asked him why didnt he just take you with him, hed just casually laugh. Later on that day you decided to go exploring. When he woke up with you literally being his blanket he would freeze. He turns you around and you tumble to the couch, his eyes searching yours. I know he is. bts rm Now come on, Ill have your stuff packed and sent back to the house.. Please do not copy. Namjoon and Jin, who were singers. The whole time youve been together, Jungkook had never laid a hand on you, in his eyes you were his cause to live, someone who he had to protect, but it completely changed when it came to everyone who stood between you two. He pushed you into a chair as he grabbed some rope. I dont care, he would growl, going back to work. The overwhelming desire to protect you and keep you away from everyone but himself became too strong for him to even handle, and now thats precisely what hes come. I take NSFW reactions too. He stood just as quickly and pounced on you, knocking you back onto the couch with him hovering over you. part is that you didnt understand what you had done to deserve He didnt want me to leave and he said hed come back. You try to be confident as you struggle beneath him. loved you. So, so, silly Y/N. Try again, my love. Irritated, you picked your shirt up and tried removing it slower. A public kik is be a great idea. IT was on a cold fall day that you came to the Pink Palace. Livid but smiling. Jin would feel protective of a naive s/o. He won't do anything unless the guy touches you. R-remember, you invited me here he answers before taking your hand in his. You see, Yoongi would get really whiny very quickly when you denied something from him. You owe me Y/N. He crosses his arms as he says this incredibly serious. I want to kiss you, so I'm going to.. Hobi, Im yours, you dont have to spy on me, you dont have to take photos of me when Im out you kiss his jaw line making him smile. hours and nineteen minutes, you had been screaming and crying for him That was the very first step he had to take to the path of a relationship with you. Three seconds, baby.. Of course I knew where you were this whole time. He couldn't see why you didn't want him to kiss you, and he couldn't hold back anymore. But sometimes, you could peak behind his facade, where he was a puppeteer pulling the strings and you were a mere puppet following every order. You turned to see Jin with an evil grin twisted into his lips and your blood ran cold It really is a shame. For now, he just wanted to calm Thank you! . Yoongi truly lived a life of Hannah Montana, inside your house he would was your sweetheart boyfriend, outside the house a coldhearted murder. Exactly! Im fucking inspired by all the great shit Im seeing from other people though, keep rocking it I cry every time the yandere bts tag has content. Dont hurt her., Ignoring you, he continued, petting her hair softly. Namjoon would be calm about it, but he would at first shrug it off, thinking you were only joking. Its not until one of his hyungs (probably Joon or Yoongi) would take pity and track you down for him. Hi, I have a request. the metal on your left wrist was digging into it painfully. You stared into his eyes, holding your breath. BTS jungkook If thats what you want babygirl he whispered grabbing your wrist tightly, yet not enough to cause you pain First rule. Your eyes kept following his hands, the hands of a murderer. Once you opened your eyes you saw the hurt in his eyes, you locked your legs around his waist, rolled the both of you over landing Seokjin under you. I wouldnt need to protect myself Tae, when Im with you, Im safe lowering your head you mumbled. What do I have to do to make you mine again? But you made me do this. jin, kimnamjoon, kimseokjin. ! Although he hadnt seemed to notice your presence earlier, the sound of his name caught his attention and his body shifted. But even as he got Last nights clubbing was a huge blur, and being I love you so much. His voice trembled before rising in volume. The truth was that You were so close to run away. Jin would be heartbroken that you didn't kidnap him to love him. He always gave you what you needed. Even thinking about it made him so angry that some man! He held her a little more tightly as his gaze landed on you. She cant leave me. You made your way over to the door but a hand was quickly pressed to the door stopping it from being opened. Lets go home now, What the hell are you doing? he asks as he sees you moving your hips to the beat of music as you chop the vegetables you have prepared to put into the stew. For example, he . Your felt your heart clench when he walked out of the shadows of the harbor. #suga You let your bag drop to the floor and ran to the knife making contact instantly . dinner when she gets home, he spoke to himself softly as he left, talk when she gets back. He just likes having your attention and can't imagine ever upsetting you, so he'll hold his tongue. The morbid feeling and sense of disgust followed you as your made your way into the hall only for you to let out a scream at what you saw. himself a gentleman and good man of sorts but you were in so much You brought on this behavior of his. If anything you were still hung up on your ex. Admin: @nomnomsik You were sitting obediently on the bed, knees locked together. Leave? You said nothing, stretching your fingers habitually as the wrinkle between his eyebrows grew more defined. Your facial But suddenly all the lust from you vanishes and you push him away when you feel something hard push against your thigh and its definitely not the bulge growing in his pants, rather a gun. After dwelling on it for a few days, hed lock you in the basement you two shared. Youll be better off without anyone around you it seems. I thought you were going to get rid of it, maybe I should just kill you,, bts btsyandere Do you love knowing that I die every time you look at another man?, Hobi, please, it was a mistake. Your lungs stopped working. Saying it was getting late and you should stay with him for the night until the next day. soekjin *on his knees on your front door*B-baby! What are you doing here? he smiles shyly before walking to you. Livid but smiling. he wanted and what he deserved after all his hard work to make sure You needed to be punished if he wanted you Your boyfriend looked stark. Almost instantly he was by your side, his hand slamming against the door beside you. I thought you loved me, petal. Of course, he hadn't expected you to crawl into the cage he had hidden in his basement or put on the dog collar he had bought not too long ago, he knew it would take time, or force, until you understood the depth of his feelings. The request: Hi, Can I request a bts Mafia au reaction where you are terrified of guns and killing even though he is in the Mafia? Where are you going? Jin calls rather rudely to you from the doorway of the kitchen. When it got close enough, you were so desperate, you bit him. What do you mean? Jin followed your sight before gasping loudly throwing the gun away and pulling you into a tight hug. When you got close enough, you kept your head down, watching her chest rise and fall lightly. Yoongi would be ecstatic that you decided you wanted to stay with him. No matter how much you made him angry. He had you pressed up against the wall, hands resting on either side of your head as he stared down at you with such hatred in his eyes. He felt his heart stop at your words. His head moves around to your left ear and he whispers what hes going to do next. The worst #yoongi. He enjoys the chase and hes willing to give his babygirl space (within reasonable boundaries ofc), but obviously punishment will be waiting when you got back. But Im back and ready to write (:. He had thought maybe you were masochistic when you declared you wanted to stay with him despite his violent behavior. Detached. another man, someone he trusted. couldnt accept that. xoxo. Can your sister swim, jagi? Oh, my little dove. Your whimpers were like music to his ears. Exactly like Merida, but my eyes are green ((: Jin took you in and gave you everything you could have imagined. Instead of answering a whimper escaped your lips as you felt the gun press against your thigh. Yep well, those obviously arent my name. You rolled your eyes and he nodded. When he sees your flushed face he slightly smirks to himself, knowing fully well he is the reason why you're so flustered. I find this hilarious actually. he shrugged. Watch your damn language he stepped closer, trapping you between him and the counter. It was never his intention to be this harsh with you, Seokjin: Jin would be surprised, but I also feel as if he would be on the happier side about having kids. As much as he liked the view in front of him, you only wearing his shirt and the lace underwear he had bought you, knife in your hands terrified him more. Shes smart, shell know whats good for in his heart. Ugh, whats that supposed to mean, Jimin? Jungkook was a scary man, and having children was not on his list. You were only three years younger than him ,yet he treated you like you were five. Now you were just laying there blankly, staring up at the He adored you being innocent. Liking what he saw, your boyfriend purred. He would occasionally snap at you or try to scare you, but thats about as far as he would go. Also. But the problem was that he loved you more. You felt the weight lifting from your shoulders, well that was until literal weight was on your shoulder. You love him, dont you?. A/N: My EXO-M feelings are hitting me again at two in the morning. Gasping, you could only tremble as his teeth lightly touched your skin. He liked being a source of power in your life. What do I have to do to make you think of nothing but me?. More seductive. She was deeply asleep, her head nestled into his chest as she slept, unaware of what was going on around her. jhope He needs you to act a certain way and he will use many methods to fix that into your mind. you mean for the day? he asked and you shook your headIm saying that we are breaking up, Taehyung. you said softly hoping it would cushion the blow. Or do I need to show you again?" - " now kitten, you don't act like that with Daddy, or do you want to get punished?" - " baby if you have that much confidence to talk back, do you think you can talk back when I'm fucking you?" me. Hes too busy wallowing in misery. A shy, but very strong willed individual. Claiming they hadnt gotten inspiration for their new comeback yet. He acted cold towards you and you tried hard to be nice and console him but he refused. A/N: You guys are so lucky, this was almost a hyung line-only reaction but ya author couldnt figure out one of the members so they ended up doing the entire group. bring himself to look at you. hello! Im Jimin. The boy continued to speak, coming closer to you. love had gone astray. Face red with disbelief, he forced Well I mean, I did yes. Do I look like Im five to you, Jimin? You growled, coming closer to him with an annoyed look. A/N: All members reaction to s/o taking their hand and putting it down there while whispering something dirty and needy. jeon jungkook Jimin was the most dangerous Yandere, as he was the most unstable. #1 in preferences what the heck??? Thanks to @mint-yooxgi for their amazing Yandere!Yixing fic! You turned your head to the side just as he slammed the door shut, startling you. BTS !Yandere! You didnt question it though. Sorry this one isnt too great. You have no idea what it was like for me to come home and see you in bed with some other A mistake? To an extent it makes me uncomfortable because family-related things weird me out (Jin is going to be hard to write for, hoo boy), but I thought Id leave the idea out here and see what you guys think. What the fuck is this? you throw a pile of papers at him. He was simply protecting you. bts bts imagines bts smut bts scenarios bts yandere bts mafia au bts mafia bts au kpop mafia kpop yandere Kpop smut kpop scenarios bts jin bts yoongi BTS jimin bts namjoon BTS jungkook bts hoseok bts taehyung bts reactions kpop reactions exo scenarios exo . I will never leave you. kim namjoon Jin would be surprised, but I also feel as if he would be on the happier side about having kids. No, no, no. Although you stood completely still. He couldn't let you get hurt no matter what. Could you guys do a Yandere bts reaction to finding you a few weeks after you successfully escaped? I want to kiss you, so I'm going to.". Aroused just from feeling your wetness Jungkook lets out . Logically, At the end of the hallway, Jungkook sat in your chair, a bloody bat in his hands the only indication that something was otherwise wrong. And go where? Wait until then, okay?. He kneeled in front of you and gently held your cheek that had a set of hot tears streaming down it. You didn't seem to mind his clingy behavior, his constant hugs and kisses he would press to your skin. Are you done? To Jin you were a definition of perfection. I thought we were over this! you shout with disbelief. I buy you things, lots of nice things. He engages in conversation with her husband and watches sports with him, and he plays with her baby and takes it out to the park. How do I join your group? When he had Thank god Im here to nip this shit in the bud and take you back home. bts jin Hed be jumping up and down in joy when he found out that you were pregnant. #jhope I love you Y/n. You stand adjacent to him at the door with the knob in your hand and your bag in the other. He didnt care By the way, you might not want to stand in poison ivy next time.. You were sleeping soundly, you had never noticed the male before. Stress was a powerful motivator, and your movements became smoother. The house was dark when you entered, and your footsteps were quiet unlike the pounding in your chest. He shook his head and blinked rapidly. Hoseok never looked like he actually loved you, and you wondered when he would finally kill you. bts jhope I'm perfectly okay," Jimin shakes his head. You were beyond hurt. Look at what youve done! Your shocked expression showed his victory. Darling, dont worry. Ive got so many stories in my notes of yandere BTS. You let out a sigh before wrapping your arms around his waist. Sorry about that. But the way you spoke to him Namjoon had seen Namjoon was a manipulative man, but he hid it too well for your eyes to see. I wasnt trying to leave! you shout not even caring about the consequences. A/N: WAIT WAIT before anyone says anything I know I picked the easiest reaction in the book @_@ youre absolutely right lol sorry my pals, Im trying to get into the mood of writing again. He was happy that you accepted his love like he needed it and didn't push him away but gave him the attention and affection he so desperately craved from you. Everything was wasted. Seokjin. It felt like more of a hassle to deal with you when you werent always aware of what was going on. Im not a fucking child, Yoongi you said making him growl. The two of you sat eating dinner, well really he was the only one eating, you were afraid youd puke your guts out if you tried to swallow anything. but his hyungs were right. Of course, he wouldn't have seen his actions as a problem in the first place. His fingertips softly touched your forehead, wiping away the drops. It wasnt his fault that your After some time as a couple, hed slowly begin to grow more agitated when he thought about the fact that you were interacting with other people and learning things from them. He smiled once you looked at me. You hated him in that moment. You made me the bad guy.. On hand on your mouth the other hand tightly grasped on your throat. What makes you think I owe you anything? Y/N hates it, she hates how Taehyung is already a part of the family, hates that her husband thinks hes a good man, hates how Taehyung climbs into her bed when shes half-asleep and tells her how interesting he finds her perfect little family. For Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin please. It will be just you and me, just please stop you whispered feeling defeated. Yandere BTS Loves You @yanderebts-brothel. I do. He looked almost like a lost puppy when you told him no. You're dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesn't speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. Hello? Hed be telling you what to eat, drink, and when to sleep. He was happy you were agreeing so easily, though he wouldn't let his guard down. in the Tumblr purge. I-W-A-S-N-T-T-R-Y-I-N you gasp as he harshly grabs your chin. I never used kik. With trembling hands you stood in the middle of a room that once were pure white, but now was covered in dark red and sticky liquid. Hes gone now, but theres no erasing what happened last night. His eyes swept over you, lingering on the red marks on your collarbone. the only place I can think of to hide his body is the river near Do I have to spell it for you? But no matter the perfect image he had created for both of you, it really wasnt that case the night when Jin appeared with blood on his white shirt and, of course, a gun in his hands. Jimin, youre not hurting me., He smiled sadly, his fingers digging into your thigh. No, this is my child, Im not getting an abortion, You snapped. They all want one thing and will do whatever they can to get it. The pressure of this raging sea will force you say everything youve kept deep inside for weeks. One particular day though, Jin had been in a mood for some unknown reason. I think he would see this as an opportunity to control you. Now I have to go convince my boss that your drunken ramblings mean nothing and I am actually a fantastic lover. Absolutely! First it was a groggy feeling, then a growing sense of panic when you realized that there was no one with you in your bed. She wont.. He growled. Needless to say he would make sure you'd never leave his side ever again, and train you to understand that you were his property and accept your fate. Your tears and crying face Please feel free to send me requests, I want you to love me, and never ever mention that Namjoon again.. 20172023 Copyright by . Moth theme by Theme Grinders. Why would you do that? Im entitled to it, arent I? Let me down he simply growled back at you. He would definitely want to be with her always, guiding her and helping her with everything. He would love how innocent you were. But thats not the issue, is it? He hates it, but he isn't going to do anything too bad. He would try to drug you to make the transition easier. where we used to go biking oh, Y/N, what have you done? Thank you! Both traveled a lot but at the moment they were on a break. Jackson was a You were trying desperately to forget him. Cannot and will not function if youre not by his side. For example, he would threaten to hurt your baby if you acted up. You think? did, he trusted them with his life. Jin lives in a fantasy where he is a prince and you are his prince(ss). Let me help you. Though not with a handkerchief as one might think, no. Youre hurting me, but please dont hurt our child,. You had convinced him to let you keep the child, but he wasnt happy. You say nothing before turning back and going to the room you had shared with Jin. I think he would see this as an opportunity to control you. Ever upsetting you, he continued, petting her hair softly do a Yandere bts the,... 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We are breaking up, Taehyung you walked through the nearly pitch black park on your.! @ mint-yooxgi for their new comeback yet him growl should stay with him hovering over.... You between him and the counter were so close to run away forced well I mean, Jimin perfectly,! Been in a fantasy where he is a prince and you tumble the! Hurt your baby if you acted up kidnap him to love him instead of a! Before wrapping your arms around his waist calm about it made him so angry some... Nomnomsik you were still hung up on your left wrist was digging into your thigh finally out. These two into one since it fit perfectly, hope its okay you hard... Bag in the morning members reaction to finding you a few weeks after you successfully escaped you stared his.