In brief, check this persons credentials (where did this man get his medical training? One capsule gives you 118 mg of strontium and 220 mg of citrate. So although optimally one would take the strontium 1 hour before breakfast and 3 hours after dinner (on an empty stomach) and the calcium at dinner with food to help absorption and at bedtime (but 3 hours after the strontium) to help sleep. Japanese Natto (fermented soybeans) has extremely high concentrations of vitamin K2 and packets of frozen natto are available at low cost from Asian food shops. A creatinine clearance rate of 90 or greater indicates normal healthy kidney function. 1,000 micrograms is far below the 680 milligrams (which is the equivalnt of 680,000 micrograms!) It is possible, by the way, to check strontium levels in bone heres a recent paper in which they did just that (abstract below) but I dont think this new X-ray fluorescence 1-125 based system is yet available to us normal folk outside the rarefied realm of research studies. To regulate my INR levels I have to be careful with vitamin k. Is strontium citrate safe for me? She is only 18 years of age, also it is secondary cancer not the primary. Here it is copied below: Re strontium citrate not specifically being shown in the research: It has been clearly stated in the research that the strontium ions, NOT ranelic acid (ranelate) are what are producing the beneficial effects on bone. 99% of Strontium is located in the teeth and bones where it promotes replication of preosteoblastic cells, which maintain bone health. Epub 2014 Jan 14. I also often add a handful of organic nuts (walnuts, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, almonds, cashews, pecansetc.) The element strontium is present in natural strontium salts. We keep hoping to have a chance to come visit him and see your lovely country. Most importantly, vitamin K2 was not used in Plan 2, but was included in Plan 3 as MK-7 (100 mcg). Similar effects were observed in males at the level of the vertebra. (The creatinine clearance rate is also called the glomerular filtration rate because tiny capillaries in the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney, the nephron, are called glomerular capillaries. Initially, it did not appear that my first message went through. Hi Dennis, Youre so welcome! Finally, I dont know what your current BMD is or risk for osteoporosis because of the specifics regarding your health, but if you are at high risk for fracture, then taking the dose of strontium provided by Strontium Boost for 6 months, then testing, would be my suggestion. 1) Boivin G, Deloffre P, Perrat B, et al. The meals you have together with other amino acids will interfere with the uptake of amino acids. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87, 2060-2066. Thanks again for all you do, and especially your prompt and informative responses on this blog! My number was 98. I also take 4 capsules of the Algaecal Plus daily(lunch/dinner). Or you could have become sensitive to some component in your food. [again, areas richer in trabecular bone] PLEASE comment about this. After SR treatment, there were no significant changes in crystal characteristics. If strontium is taken in excess of calcium, more strontium than calcium will be available in the body to be used in bone, so more strontium than calcium will be incorporated into the bones, and at least in baby rats, whose skeletons were rapidly developing and who were given no calcium and lots of strontium, ricket-like bone abnormalities developed. The reason I take it at night is to ensure that nothing is going to interfere with the absorption. I came off and just took calcium supplements. I also e-mailed Meunier and asked if his cited study (or any he knew of) suggested 170 mg to be more effective than 680 mgas the above people are citing him as demonstrating that. Please ask your doctor to check your thyroid hormone levels (T4, T3, rT3), and if you are hypothyroid, your levels of iodine and selenium should be evaluated. Re reduction in fracture risk, increase in BMD is most often relied upon to support this claim, and as I noted above (Part One), improvement in TBS would be a far better indicator. BMD in my hip/femur had gone up 3.5% and was up 6% in my spine. It turns out that citrate is a favorite food for Clostridia (C.difficile). Interestingly, according to one study, 170 mg of strontium per day was more effective than 680 mg per day for reducing fracture risk.. If your bones were M&Ms, cortical bone would be the outer candy shell and trabecular bone the soft chocolate center. If you prefer to take it at night, make sure your stomach is empty and that you don't eat anything for the next 40 minutes. Im now not certain where youre getting your information, but great and Within a year after I began supplementing with AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost (680 mg strontium citrate daily), my bones were completely healthy. Is your inflammation under control now that you have eliminated dairy and nightshade vegetables from your diet? It is available as a daily oral solution, which you make up yourself from a sachet. Meunier, P. J., Roux, C., Seeman, E., Ortolani, S., Badurski, J. E., Spector, T. D., Aquamin is a different species of algae from Algas Calcareas. WEIRD! Reviewed in the United . Also I find the lower dosage of calcium in AlgaeCal Plus to be more appealing than the plain (360 mg compared to 750 mg); however, I do wonder why does it contain so little calcium relative to the given dosage of strontium; it appears, from the studies and recommendations given on this website, that calcium intake should be greater than that of strontium intake? My question has to do with breast cancer. Similarly, the initial case study found that Sr levels were higher at trabecular bone compared to cortical bone and that ankle levels [trabecular bone] continued to increase, even after 24 months of strontium supplementation. The latest science shows your result may be overstated by 8.5% 11.2%. As you can see from the references listed below, in the Niu et al. I really want to underscore here the fact that the strontiums beneficial effects on our bones are NOT due to its replacing calcium in our bones! Strontium Boost has 2 effects that might be contributing to your thumb pain: First, strontium increases our absorption of calcium, and when we absorb more calcium, we may need more magnesium if our diet is not providing a sufficient amount of magnesium to maintain a 2:1 calcium:magnesium balance. Also, breakfast time seems to be the meal which is most easily controlled for Calcium intake and, therefore Strontium is taken at this time. PMID: 11336927 again discusses that strontium primarily deposits in newly forming trabecular bone. But, after reading all the current research (more than 70 papers) on strontium, I started taking it again at a half dose to ensure my bones remain healthy. This study was done to see how much strontium this osteoporotic womans bones were absorbing from a strontium citrate supplement (680 mg elemental strontium per day) and whether the beneficial effect continued after 800 days it did. You took it with supplements. 2012 May 28;13(1):78. Natural strontium citrate has never been found to increase risk of VTE. Hi Shaine, Who can I ask about the optimal frequency of DEXA tests so I am properly monitoring my bone density? Whats adequate vitamin D3? Best Strontium Citrate. AlgaeCal Plus provides more calcium than this amount of strontium and surely with your dietary intake of calcium, you will be getting quite a bit more than 680 mg. Re Drs Best strontium if it is strontium citrate, it should be fine. I also take 1 mg of estradiol daily. We recommend working with your doctor to figure out what could be the trigger for you. Taking a zinc supplement on an empty stomach, though, has been shown to have the side effect of an upset stomach. and recommending this protocol to other men). Thank you againAudrey. You should especially avoid eating fruits with tough fibers like guava and oranges early morning. Dialysis is a way of carrying out this process. Many thanks again to you for your continued research. Hi Lara: And its what I do for myself. Their reply was with food was preferable. They base their claims on these 2 studies: But in both cases the authors of the studies drew POSITIVE conclusions about strontiums bone supporting role, yet the uncredentialed author of the website drew negative conclusions! Thanks for your response about New Chapter. Hi Robert, Low incidence of GMO foods, but the rubbish is sneaking in, our politicians, all being lawyers, plus an occasional farmer, make stupid scientific decisions, so GMOs are getting in. My results have convinced me that AlgaeCal is the calcium supplement I am going to continue to use. It doesnt. The combination of all 3 is synergistic. Vit D3 increases your bodys production of vit K dependent proteins, so you will make more of them and will need more K2 to activate them. Older adults often have multiple medical conditions and may take many medicines, which puts them at additional risk for negative side effects. 2014 Oct 7;4(10):e005787. But I would strongly advise you NOT to use any dosage of this abnormal form of strontium! If you have reason to believe YOUR thyroid function might be affected (e.g., you have had other issues with thyroid function prior or currently), why not use a lower dose of strontium for yourself and check its efficacy in YOU after 3-6 months? It states the following: Strontium supplementation also increased thyroid-gland weight and decreased pituitary weight in rats, with a no-observed-adverse-effect-level roughly equivalent to 41 mg per day for humans. The women in the exercise group were asked to attend hour-long training sessions, supervised by a qualified physiotherapist, for a 6-month period each year (this was a 30-month study) and were also asked to train 20 min daily at home following a program of similar exercises to those in the supervised sessions. A long-term treatment with strontium ranelate in intact rats is very safe for bone and improves bone resistance by increasing bone mass and improving architecture while maintaining bone stiffness. This woman does better with MK-4. And I am trying to be patient with myself. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in July of 2009. Long-term studies in rats confirmed pronounced dose-related increments in trabecular bone volume, mineralised bone volume, osteoblastic surface, and a reduction in osteoclast number, but osteoid thickness was not affected., Dahl SG, Allain P, Marie PJ, et al. . AlgaeCal Plus also contains vit D3, but the dose is 1,600 IU, not enough for me because I have genetic issues that require I take 10,000 IU per day of D3 to get my blood levels into healthy range. In the U.S., Your Bones was approved by our library book review system and is available in our public libraries as well. Vitamin D3, K2 (MK-7), magnesium, boron, vitamin C all are essential for bone health). Personally, I expect to no longer be even borderline osteopenic by my next DXA (about 9 months from now) and as soon as that happens, I am going to run an n=1 trial, cut my strontium dosage in half and see how that works for me. Springdale clinic where we can get suggestions on mental health issues. Some other things SCW might consider and discuss with her doctor: I am wondering, how much calcium is SCW taking? If she is consuming 680 mg elemental strontium daily, then she should be getting at least twice that amount (1360 mg) of calcium each day from her diet and supplements. (The creatinine clearance rate is also called the glomerular filtration rate because tiny capillaries in the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney, the nephron, are called glomerular capillaries.). AlgaeCal Plus provides 720 mg of plant-based calcium and the average western diet provides another 500 mg. This means that youll reach the recommended 1200mg of calcium each day, all through food sources! I hope this helps to ease your mind and answer your question, Mallika! Aquamin has done one absorption study where PTH response is measured. So, whats the take-away from this paper by Chen LJ et al.? This emphasizes the value, as antiosteoporotic treatment, of SR, which is safe at the bone mineral level. Adults 19-70 years: 15 micrograms (600 IU) I bought some and was determined to eat it regularly. Laboratoire dHistodynamique Osseuse, Facult de Mdecine R. Laennec, 69372, Lyon Cedex 08, France. Above you describe that secondly S booster can feed unfriendly bacteria. Strange. For much more on these issues, please listen to my #AskLara on the AlgaeCal Community discussing the differences between HRT and BHRT, also 2 other #AskLara discussing testing that should be done when using BHRT (NO ONE should use HRT!). Strontium ranelate is a prescription drug where the ranelate molecule is a patentable synthetic chemical. Strontium citrate is 31% elemental strontium and 69% citrate. What you are now doing sounds just fine, although a number of other nutrients are required for optimal bone health you should also be getting adequate vitamin D3, vitamin K2, boron, magnesium and vitamin C plus a wide range of trace minerals. Try this and your taste buds as well as your digestive tract and bones will be delighted with you. R. Korpelainen, S. Keinnen-Kiukaanniemi, J. Heikkinen, et al. (1) Key point in the COMB paper is the where possible in this quote from the paper:Patients were also instructed to commence and maintain a regimen of daily impact exercises such as jumping jacks or skipping where possible as impact has been associated with prevention of bone density loss. Supplements should always be taken with food, both to provide a buffer if your stomach acid production is good and to trigger sufficient stomach acid production if your ability to produce stomach acid has begun to decline. 2012 Jul;51(1):93-7. ) Of course, happy to do what I can to be of help, and yes, each of us is our own best advocate, although you are definitely in good hands if you are working with a fully IFM certified functional medicine physician and nutritionist. For optimal absorption, take on an empty stomach and at least two hours apart from calcium, magnesium or antacids. Hi Lynn, Will the strontium interfere with these medications? What the research shows is that strontium, in addition to its numerous beneficial effects that boost osteoblast and slow osteoclast activity, also indirectly inhibits resorption of the calcified bone matrix by stabilizing hydroxyapatite crystals. One paper (Novel strontium fortified calcium salt for enhancing bone formation As in vitro and in vivo large animal model study.) I take about 350 mg of magnesium, and 3 tablets of ALTA silica a day, and Vit D3 is 3000, Omega 3 oil. Also, if your digestion is impaired or you are taking an acid-lowering drug, you will not be properly breaking down the proteins in your food, and undigested protein fragments that gain entry into your bloodstream can provoke many kinds of adverse reactions, including the skin symptoms you are experiencing. Im sorry to hear about sisters! Still, the optimal situation would have been to direct the women to take their strontium at a time of day several hours before or after consuming calcium-rich foods since this would have improved strontiums absorption. I suggest you ask the folks making these claims for references in the medical journals in which research has been published confirming them, and if they cannot supply you with any, do not give them any credence. Please consider investing in your health if you possibly can. Hello, thank you so much for the information about bone health on your website. Many thanks Lara and any suggestions would be appreciated. And this applies to ANYTHING you see on the web. The first serving of the Calcium supplement is then taken, around lunchtime which also includes dietary Calcium and then the second serving some six, hours later at evening meal which again includes dietary Calcium. Bone. I am still, however, in the osteopenia range (but at 85%-89% of normal). Youll soon see these misleading statements hold no weight. Expert Opin Drug Saf. I want to underscore here that this is a competition that calcium always wins, which explains why: Ok, now that you see the differences in the 3 main types of strontium, lets dig into the common misconceptions surrounding this valuable mineral. hi lara idont knowif my email will reach you what does the website refers to? Virtually all minerals must combine with another organic compound to be stable (e.g., citrate, malate, chloride) These stable compounds are referred to as salts. Before starting on Xolair a year ago, I was taking 15 different meds a day to try to control the asthma and had been like that for two years after getting atypical pneumonia. It generally takes 4 to 5 hours for the stomach to empty after a full meal and a bit less after a snack or liquid, though it varies depending on how much and what kind of food you ate. Hi David, thanks for your questions! If you end up finding your vit D3 needs run even higher to 10,000 IU/day you could check out Life Extensions vitamin K supplement, which is what I use for my additional K2 since I must take 10,000 IU/day of D3. 2006 Aug;23(8):1675-86. Hopefully, you can share what you learn and help others in your country as well. This individual had a strontium/serum/plasma/urine blood test administered. The long list of adverse side-effects attributed to strontium ranging from commonly seen adverse effects like nausea and skin irritation to possibly deadly effects like venous thromboembolism and serious autoimmune reactions, such as DRESS are caused by ranelic acid (the ranelate portion of strontium ranelate). Any ideas as to why I could be high here? And taking a half dose of AlgaeCals calcium supplement should also be quite safe. I began taking 1 capsule of Strontium at night before bed instead of 2 and I seem to be managing the fatigue better. Is it the case that youve just got to estimate it? I have read your book,Your Bones and not really found a specific answer to this question . Toxicology 7, 11-21. Continue to nourish your bones and your entire body well every day for the rest of your long, and healthy life! An overgrowth of bacteria such as Clostridium difficile may also be the cause. It has not. When referring to the SOTI and TROPOS trials, you used the term strontium but didnt specify ranelate or citrate, unless I just totally missed it. Get visible results via a DEXA scan. The two-capsule dose of strontium citrate = 680 mg, which provides 236 mg of elemental strontium + 440 mg of citrate. Hope this helps. Researchers have looked at strontiums effects on bone quality in animal and human studies, and it has been found to improve bone quality as well as density. Am I being foolish to be so conservative my next DEXA will be in about 4-5 months. NO THANK YOU! Cost for the Kindle version is around $7, and I think the print version is being sold on Amazon for around $9. Therapeutically, radioactive strontium is used to treat metastatic cancer but can damage bone marrow and act as a potential carcinogen itself at high doses. Both IGF-I and Runx2 levels were positively associated with the bone mineral apposition rate (MAR). is really stellar. Eventually, I expect we will be able to get our full genetic template. Since everyones physiology is unique, its safest to start out with 25 mg and gradually increase up to 50 mg over a couple of months. However, do remember to take your Strontium Boost with a snack that does not contain calcium an apple, a couple of whole grain (preferably gluten-free) crackers, a handful of nuts (peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds are fine; almonds, walnuts, cashews, sesame seeds contain calcium, so not your best option a snack when taking Strontium Boost). Let me know how your personal clinical trial turns out, and Be well! I found the referenced study, with its PMID #, for you. In female rats treated with strontium ranelate over 2 years, dose-dependent increases of bone strength and bone mass of the vertebral body (containing a large proportion of trabecular bone) and of the midshaft femur (containing mainly cortical bone) were detected without change in bone stiffness. Here is the link: Strontium citrate is also very safe, again, no adverse effects have been seen with natural forms of strontium (ie strontium citrate) if more calcium is being consumed than strontium. It is all too true that many MDs are not aware of the research on alternatives to pharmaceuticals. I urge anyone taking ANY type of prescription medication to check on the adverse effects of the drug and the symptoms it produces. Firstly sincere thanks and appreciation for the contents of this blog. Then after a few days, see if you can take 1 capsule daily without provoking symptoms. The plaque build up in your carotid arteries definitely suggests you need more K2! Obviously, strontium-89 is not strontium citrate, but Ive provided a couple of the references on this below if youre interested. trial. I just yesterday heard Cees Vermeeer one of the leading researchers in the vitamin K2 field for more than 30 years now give a webinar in which he discussed the most recent study his team has run, which involved more than 16,000 people and lasted more than 3 years. Especially avoid eating fruits with tough fibers like guava and oranges early morning you that! Your prompt and informative responses on this blog an empty stomach, though has! One paper ( Novel strontium fortified calcium salt for enhancing bone formation as in vitro and vivo... Now not certain where youre getting your information, but great http: // and:... Food sources increase risk of VTE means that youll reach the recommended 1200mg of calcium each day, through... I ask about the optimal frequency of DEXA tests so I am properly monitoring bone. 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