What happen to checks will go go in two weeks? My 528i engine locked up at 72,000 miles. I sold my BMW with a blown engine from a bad timing chain. In order to obtain reimbursement for eligible past out-of-pocket expenses, you must submit a Claim Form and include all of the documentation identified on the Claim Form. SHAME ON THE DEALER AND SHAME ON BMW FOR FAILURE TO NOTIFY. And my car just gave up on me. There are so many of us that can still be in danger of losing their lives if the belt snap while driving on the highway. I am still waiting. Can you send me the e-mail where you made contact with them? Unreal . I will keep you posted. What is going on i havent recieved anything via email mail no check nothing, Ill call the authorities in mn goodjob guys they got their money its disgusting. If you have questions regarding this process, click HEREto see a copy of the Settlement Agreement, or contact Class Counsel. E relaxed and never heard back. Good luck to all of us dummies who purchased Big Money Wasted vehicle. I emailed the law office handling it and havent heard anything. can you loan us some money hahahaha! administrator or law firm. I feel like they knew and did not address it until after I was outside the timeframe for filing a claim. I will never buy another BMW! Getting hopes up for nothing to be shot down. Still waiting and havent received anything yet, including some sort of update. This is beyond ridiculous. WebTo exclude yourself from the Settlement, you must have sent a letter by mail to the Claims Administrator saying that you wanted to be excluded from Gelis v. Bayerische Motoren I just contacted the law firm representing us lemon BMW owners..they said if youve submitted a claim by the deadline of June 30th, we will receive correspondence by certified mail if more information is needed to complete the claim, or, if claim is complete and accepted a check for reimbursement will be received in about 6 weeks. My 2013 328i just experienced the problem everyone is talking about how ever it happened at 159,00 miles. Its honestly criminal. I look every time I get my mail after originally being denied last December? There needs to be a complaint filed to turn this into a recall to the National Hwy Association to make this happen. As part of the resolution of the Action, Class Counsel and BMW of North America have agreed that Class Counsel may apply for an award of attorneys fees, costs, expenses, and service payments for the twenty Class Representatives between $1,500,000 and $3,700,000 in the aggregate. Im beyond furious. I say we get together and file another class action lawsuit since this one closed but they still have the audacity to sell this make and model without a recall, Yes i agree but we need to use our own lawyers. He basically said they would respond the same way to him ..He did say that he knows these things take wayyy to long to process so if your address changes you have to notify them. The date of repair; and I just replaced the engine in my 2013 528. You did not provide proof of payment for the total amount sought for reimbursement for the eligible repairs. Jen C. Wow its good to hear that someone has heard something.I sent all of my paper wrk in on time. UPDATE: received 2nd email. I was told a few weeks ago that the checks would go out in about four weeks four weeks later no check. You better believe it. I was one of the first to submit back in 2021 January. A Court has authorized this notice because you have a right to know about the proposed settlement of this class-action lawsuit, and your options, before the Court decides whether to give final approval to the Settlement. I dont want to post their address, but you can Google them. Proof of ownership. So nice they think so many of us can afford to just be out THOUSANDS of dollars that are owed to us. You may also send questions to the Claims Administrator at: Gelis Claims Administrator 7080, c/o Rust Consulting, PO Box 14, Minneapolis, MN 55440-0014. Just goes to show, all that glitters isnt gold. My claim has been submitted For a year now. I received the documents in the mail for my 2013 BMW 528I, i completed them and mailed them in with documents detailing engine replacement due to timing chain failure. Thank you for your email. 21. The person on her Garcia has a whole lot of BS to say about the process. v. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft and BMW of North However, if you cannot obtain nobody else received a check. IT ONLY HAS 87,00.00 MILES ON IT. I cannot get any answer . These type of half-cocked posts are not helpful to anyone. I dont know if timing chain was replaced. My car is again not running and I have always owned BMW but never one with a 4 cylinder engine! Does this mean we do not qualify for this settlement because it is only the valve cover gasket? I just sent out another email as it is my understanding we should be receiving our checks by the end of this month. On this forum it appears (from what Ive seen) that only one person said they received a check so far. expected to be mailed out. Somebodys pockets got filled & theyre all in it together. Agreed! Can I recover the loss in value i received? We cannot let them off the hook on this and flood them with emails . ILL KEEP YOU ALL POSTED. 17. Im currently in the same boat! Whats the difference between objecting and excluding? so 2 engines have been replaced within 80,000 miles! I have an X3, 2013 I purchased 1.5 years ago, with 70,000 miles on it. When was the denial received? Class Members are required to provide information about their Received anything requesting more info required? Please see what other class action settlements you might qualify We keep getting told dates these checks will go out and nothing comes through . Hi this just happened to me as well. On January 28th, 2021 my 2013 BMW SAV started to slowly die as I was on my way to work. This lawsuit alleges that the Class Vehicles timing chain and oil pump drive chain modules are defective and could lead to sudden engine failure and loss of power to the vehicles. My mechanic repaired what he thought was the problem and 2 days later my car died leaving me stranded on the highway. Please add me I filled out paperwork never heard anything back. I would LOVE to see this reimbursement we are ENTITLED TO. It has been extremely difficult being carless for this amount of time with no rental options offered. I am looking for a attorney. The cost to repair is insane not to mention that when the timing belt issue occurred, my car stopped on a major highway. I feel the same way. Top Class Requests for exclusion from the Settlement must have been postmarked by January 19, 2021. Thats is the exact same thing they told me 12000 miles. Thanks for the update. How do I know if I am part of the Settlement? Fall of 2022? Very concerning! 7. Did they ask for the records in the beginning when you filed your claim? Congrats & hope we can all say the same soon!! I emailed them mid July and was told that they did receive my claim, however, I have not received any updates. I honestly think you got to be aggressive with BMW and push for it. Rust Consulting is a large and reputable settlement-administration company. Wow. And at this point Im at a major loss & dont know what to do. If the email I received on 9/15 was true, claims should have been processing the week of 9/20, and should wrap up by the end of November. Thanks for the UPDATE! Webof claims administered over the last 40 years. If you got $3K in the mail and you don't know why, it's probably a scam, a mistake, and/or not really a check. owned the vehicle are required, in particular, scheduled oil changes up to the date/mileage of replacement/repair, within They dont reach out to nobody in no type of form way or fashion. Great news. Not sure where to go from here but there is NO WAY it takes this long to process claims. that reports on class action lawsuits, class action settlements, Im wondering if this would be included in this class action. You missed the deadline to participate in the lawsuit. I have mail notification and received a letter from RUST. How do I tell the Court if I dont like the Settlement? That thing hasnt been updated in quite some time. My vehicle is a 428i 2016 with 51,000 miles and the timing chain recently went out. You will never see the money sue bmw on ur own with ur own lawyers. Or did they previously send you any letters making you amend your claim, or other? shop; and Adobe Reader isfree and is required to view and print documents on this site. Thanks for the tip! Read About More Class Action Lawsuits & Class Action Settlements: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Here we are 11-9-22 picked up(nah towed) my 2013 528i from BMW service. ; Thomas P. Sobran, Esq. It was for about half of what I paid in total but I am great full for anything. im jokinig so that i wont cry. I thought they were already processing claims? BMW of North America does not warrant replacement parts that were not certified by the original equipment manufacturer. I cant even begin to explain. Boy o boy do I hope Im wrong. If you want to be represented by another lawyer, you may hire one to appear in Court for you at your own expense. DONT BUY A BMW!!! But I do know that they are not being truthful with what is going on with our refunds and this is NOT right. As of 9/15 they told me those claims were taking place within the next week and should expect to take up to 45-60 days for completion. You must commence a civil lawsuit before any applicable statutes of limitations expire or you will be forever barred from seeking relief. WebOpinion letters issued by the Administrator may be relied upon, pursuant to Section 10 of the Portal-to-Portal Act, 29 U.S.C. Same here! $4500 in repairs . $6000 more dollars I have to spend for a used engine. Like theyve disappeared into thin air. The Class Representatives in the Action are the Plaintiffs identified above. Rust Consulting..877-625-9449.. look them up on Better Business Bureau complaints.. seems they have a habit of trying to get out of paying! and have had no reply, nothing? They are finding all kinds of reasons to deny payment and its not right. I never expected to see that money ever again! What address are you guys getting emails from? ITS NOT RIGHT. They have enough funds to hire what ever help they need to get them checks moving out. They wait for weeks to respond just so you can run into the deadline. They sold me the car and allowed me to drive for another 45000 miles, never once notifying me that there was a potentially dangerous ticking timebomb needing to be replaced. I been hearing a noise from the timing chain for a couple weeks now but havent had the chance to replace it because of money, does that still apply if I be able to change it right now? ERISA, issue information letters calling attention to established principles under ERISA, even though an advisory opinion was requested. I contacted them though, and finally received a response back that I needed to submit the registration or proof of ownership (I must have missed that on the original request when I submitted the docs initially so that was my fault), and then the oil change receipts. About time. mileage of the replacement/repair, within the variance set forth above. Still waiting here. SHAME ON YOU BMW! This company runs a shady racket. In many states, a typical probate and estate administration process will take up to one to two years from the date of the decedent's death. You are kidding, right? Upset BIG MONEY WASTED (BMW). Requests for exclusion from the Settlement must have been postmarked by January 19, 2021. Please be patient, and feel free to check this websitefor current status. Its been close to a full year since submitting the initial documentation. I did receive my check and I can tell you it was under $2000. That is impossible since the email I sent had this info attached. When I reached out again in November for a status- I was literally told the same thing again- that it was sent to BMW for approval- and could be a minimum of 45-60 days to review for approval. You may also send questions to the Claims Administrator at: Gelis Claims Administrator - 7080, c/o Rust Consulting, PO Box 14, Minneapolis, MN 55440-0014. Depends if the car is under warranty. What I should have said was that they are sending out claim-DEFICIENCY letters allowing for a written CORRECTION. Depends, file with the National Hwy Association to get them to do a recall, and your car will be covered. Everyone needs to call the Minnesota attorney generals office and we might should consider pooling it and getting our own representation because obviously this is not working.. dont give up. I dont want to leave any room for them to come back and say they need more info- I also made a copy of my registration showing my ownership and the VIN number. I just paid out 13,000.00 for a new engine and turbo. About a day or two later this is the response that I received: Thank you for your email. I have also submitted my claim and all the required documents and have not received any payment, rejection or request for any further information. Vehicle model, model year and VIN number. I agree this is getting ridiculous now though WAY too long! There are additional limitations and exclusions from coverage contained set forth in BMW of North Americas New Passenger Vehicle Limited Warranty and in Section III of the Settlement Agreement, which you should review HERE. or get rid of the car, BMW will not own the issue if you are over the warranty limit! At this point what is the hold up? No. I just spoke with attorney and they said checks would go out in 2 weeks. claims they are processing the claims BS. Top Class Actions is a legal news source I waited approx. 2:17-cv-07386, in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, Gelis Claims Administrator I wish you all the best! My 2013 x3 engine just expired and need new engine, dealer said it was the timing chain. I just need to know if I am included in the claim. Exactly. I am entitled to this money. I can see in the comments some have contacted or been in some form of communication with SOMEONE but who? Defendant will also separately pay the costs to administer the Settlement. You may also send questions to the Claims Administrator at: Gelis Claims Administrator 7080, c/o Rust Consulting, PO Box 14, Minneapolis, MN 55440-0014. SO I REALLY DONT EXPECT TO GET MY REFUND UNTIL SOMETIME NEXT YEAR..I AM SO UPSET. THIS IS REALLY HURTING ME FINANCIALLY AND THE CHECK ENGINE LIGHT ON MY BMW (AFTER NEW ENGINE) IS BACK ON. This is super frustrating as we have no answers & no status updates- nothing. Can they do that though? Be in the know about services and certain products eligible for reimbursement for your FSA. I was told about it after having my car checked out as well. Would be nice to get this check already! The lawyers got paid a huge lump sum. If thats the game theyre going to play, then no one will get anything for sure. BMW will not cover. The Settlement Agreement describes the released claims with specific descriptions, in necessarily precise legal terminology, so read it carefully. My car had 101,000 so they wouldnt take my case. To whom I have to write to and where? Now were back to no dates known?? Thank. I havent gotten anything yet but Im really nervous seeing everyones letters that theyre receiving. As part of its ongoing efforts to ensure that dietary supplements and other health-related products are advertised truthfully, and that efficacy claims made for such products are supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence, the Federal Trade Commission joined the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in sending warning Did you call anyone specifically? Thanks for the heads up! I really could have used that $ for the holidays. Our ability to file a case against Rust/BMW is dwindling down. You will get a check if you never got a denial for more documentation everyone who filed should have gotten this email. Im going to send another email today. He not confirmed the amount received so Im not sure anyone has received a check. Really ? Good luck all! Oh my!!! to my knowledge on this forum- only ONE individual has received a check so far. I took this mans word and waited a few weeks and decided that it would be best for me file the necessary settlement paperwork as a back up because I didnt feel comfortable not doing anything and taking the BMWs technician word that they would handle everything. Dont deal with Chapman BMW. We still have nothing! So I sent them ALL the oil changes from day 1 and a copy of my registration as they said I didnt prove I owned the car. I sent the invoice showing paid by card that the shop had given me. What was the reason? Buying a BMW was one of the worst decisions I have ever made! Good news. Why were the X1 28i ex drive vehicles excluded? I am only now finding out about the lawsuit and that my car qualifies for a replacement. out of pocket. b. Here comes the excuses not to pay folks. What happened to the last month they were supposed to be processing?? I am beyond frustrated. . Am I covered in the lawsuit with the timing chain problem? available, and attesting to adherence to the maintenance schedule and, in particular, scheduled oil changes up to the date/ At this hearing, Judge Waldor also decided the service payments for the Class Representatives, as well as the attorneys fees for the lawyers representing the Class Members. Vehicles must be taken to a BMW center to be eligible for this relief. Terms and Conditions. What can we all do? Independent Dealership where I bought the car has declined to take back the Car and BMW dealership has refused responsibility with a Repair costs implications of about $19,000. How do I find the Claim Identification Number? Save your receipts and file with the National Hwy Association to get them to do a recall and your car will be covered. Claim Forms must have been submitted by June30, 2021. WebTreatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder Requirements and Enforcement of 38.2-3412.1 and 38.2-3418.17 of the Code of Virginia Withdrawal of Administrative Letter 2020-03 Dated April 22, 2020. Keep in mind that the last email I received from them on 9/15/21 which also verified that they received my additional documentation told me that they were sent for re-processing & would take 45-60 days. That I did and paid for on this trash ass vehicle. Back in January, I was driving and a message engine oil level low had an oil change three days prior and also received same message in March. Sent everything they asked and still nothing. It is likely that all that is left for payments are a small number of claims still to be resolved along with the claims that were appealed in writing. Fingers Crossed! My receipt from the BMW dealership show a payment of $5500 but because its not showing which credit card was used they are gong to deny my claim. To exclude yourself from the Settlement, you must have senta letter by mail to the Claims Administrator saying that you wanted to be excluded from Gelis v. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft, Civil Action No. Or any word at all from attorneys or Rust Consulting? I am attempting to submit this form online but do not know this number. I just want to know did they recv the info I mailed in. I am so so sad no one will help! As a result of the defects, BMW engines reportedly sustain damage and can even be destroyed leading to costly repairs. The BMW dealership where my car has been sitting, keeps telling me that I need to wait for ppw. UPDATE 3: According to the settlement website, the claim deadline for the BMW timing chain settlement has been extended and will remain open until at least May 30, 2021. Uuuggghhhh!! I sent the entire service history of my car well over a year ago. I am so mad. No one is getting nothing. Then once you declare you have processed all the claims an audit may have to be done internally to make sure they were done correctly and the correct amounts are legit. Bruce H. Nagel, Esq. Im at a total loss & dont even know what the next course of action should be. Im getting same response.. not much help from the attorneys either. My invoice from the repairs show Miles IN right at the top of the first page- so I BETTER not hear that. They tell me that it is going to cost me 20K to replace my motor and Turbo. However, repairs done at an independent service center are capped at $3,000 for timing chain modules and oil pump drive chain modules and at $7,500 for engines. to claim cash from in our Sickening! Im done. Garcia replies back: The information was actually factual, and am not sure which part is considered BS. Its just not fair that they are treating their customers like this. I have yet to be hear anything from anyone. I understand these things take some time, but come on already. 36281 (Aug. 27, 1976)). The dealer is handling the paperwork and expressed a 50-50 chance for some level of reimbursement. This is so unacceptable. The Parties have agreed that Class Counsel will not seek payment of any amount in excess of $3,700,000 in the aggregate, and that they will submit the issue to Judge Waldor to decide the exact final award amount. I sent all receipts, bank statements and everything they asked for since day one. No. Again was told that would take 45-60 days. I cant get it fixed right now so I may not be able to get in on the suit because I dont have the repairs done yet. They denied my claiming saying that I didnt show proof of the transaction. Yes I paid over 7500.00 in the last couple years fixing the timing chain issues at Chapman BMW in AZ and it still leaks oil and smokes sometimes. The dealer only told me when I took it for repair of the recall. Wasted my time and money. We not getting that money, what they did was make us join the lawsuit to receive all this money and basically kept it for themselves. Hope this helps! We currently anticipate Claim reprocessing to start within the next week. All reimbursements will be made according to the Reimbursement Chart below. I agree with the others it was a scam to get all of us to join the lawsuit so they could get the money and keep it for themselves!!!! Definitely concerning. utah Finally someone finally got some monies back. Hoping for a recall, then I may qualify for reimbursement.. Mind you I have a oil change package I purchased and all maintenance has been done on time. I understand things take time but this has been a LONG time, and no one has received anything. Really??? a variance of 1,000 miles of the scheduled time or mileage maintenance requirements. We determined that it is appropriate to respond in the form of an information letter, the effect of for claim administration Would I have been allowed to speak at the hearing? I reached out to my lawyer to sue them or my money. NOTE:If you do not qualify for this settlement do NOT file a claim. I just recd an email this morning that stated: Your claim has been preliminarily approved for reimbursement. I hope and pray we get something back. This is how they make there money off of people like us. this is a little light shining at the end of a long tunnel. When will I get the Settlement benefits? If you have submitted a claim, your Claim Form will be processed and payments will be issued on a continuing, rolling basis after the Effective Date, which will be after the Courts Final Approval hearing, scheduled for February 16, 2021, and all appeals, if any, are resolved. You give notice to unsecured creditors, such as credit card companies, under Texas Estates Code chapter 308.054. Never should have trusted Big Money Wasted lemon!!!! You can talk to one of the lawyers listed in Question 15 below, free of charge, if you have questions about the released claims or what they mean. Artem V. Gelis, Bhawar Patel, Robert McDonald, James V. Olson, Gregory Heyman, Susan Heyman, Debra P. Ward, Darrian Stovall, Alex Martinez, Amanda Gorey, Chris Williams, Ashok Patel, Kenneth Gagnon, Michael Cerny, Maria Meza, Andre Malske, Nicole Guy, David Richardson, Stacey Turner, and Eric T. Zinn, the people who sued, are called the Plaintiffs, and the company that was sued, BMW of North America, LLC, is called the Defendant.. BMW dealer charged $4700 to fix . I cant believe we came this far, submitted all the documentation, and were now ending 2021 with no resolution. I got a quote on how much it will cost to repair it and it goes from 4,000-7,500. a. This could go on forever. Go to rust consulting is Better Business Bureau complaint website and you will see a totally different story from rust consulting. Welp. I dont really understand the method of how theyre reviewing & sending out the claims. So much for first week of Sept! Verse said, Garcia has a whole lot of BS to say about the process. In order to receive benefits under the prospective repair program, you must take your Class Vehicle to an authorized BMW Center. Has anyone received a check or anything beyond a rejection? Do you know if the class action customers had their vehicles fixed? You will be eligible for the future repair program. I am not letting them off the hook. I submitted ALL of my service records last December,I received a letter yesterday stating that I need to show proof of regular oil changes. So annoyed over how this has been handled. There does not seem to be a person to contact with questions either. No. We cannot make a determination on the validity of your claim until your documents has been reviewed and the claim validation process has been completed. My lawyer told me we pose to get everything that we paid. Im have all the paperwork and mint one was over the limit. I never received any notices after submitting my claim so I submitted it twice, and never received a response. I was just talking about this situation with someone and they advised me to have my attorney get involved. If youre unsure if you qualify, pleaseread the FAQ section of the Settlement Administrators website to ensure you meet all standards (Top Class Actions is nota Settlement Administrator). All of these people are the Class or Class Members. One court resolves the issues for all Class Members, except for those who timely exclude themselves from (opt out of) the Class. My case is now on hold because the engine was replaced with a used one with 25,000 on it the first time. My 2013 X3 died three weeks ago for this reason. My Valvetronic system is failing and giving me drivetrain malfunction errors and the dealer says it has to be replaced. Fingers crossed!! I, like most everyone else on this post, have not received 1 piece of correspondance. Only one Prospective Repair Program repair per VIN is permitted, although recovery under the Prospective Repair Program does not affect your eligibility to recover under the Reimbursement Program. Exactly!! I owe roughly $8k on my car and purchasing another car has not been an option due to this reason. Just saying. WebTo view of a copy of the Claims Administrator Declaration, please click HERE To view of a copy of Plaintiffs' Letter to the Court Regarding the Kleckner Declaration, please click Never buying a BWM again. I will NEVER buy a BMW. Mine was for $1,176. e. 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