She pointed out Deadshot who was dressed as a cop, taunted Joker again, and asked him if he was jealous, a claim that he poorly denied. Afterwards, Commissioner Gordon, believing that a dead Joker was just as dangerous than a live one, decided to take his corpse away and hid it from the rest of Gotham, and let only Batman in on its location. However, these could have been caused by his acid bath, and due to his physical shape, he was likely Batman's age. After he responded to the riot, Batman fought his way through the prison to the Panopticon and found Joker holding Warden Joseph hostage with Bane at his side. He took control of the Administration Building and had his men convert it into a fun-house themed fortress. This is further supported in the climax of the Assault on Arkham incident: Shortly after realizing that the chopper he was thrown into by Deadshot was about to fall to the ground, he attempted to escape, only for Deadshot to pin him inside the chopper via the Joker's discarded daggers, yet then proceeded to laugh hysterically as the remains of the chopper descended down to the street below after Deadshot gave his signature "bang" pointer. More detailed information about it can be found in the next chapter of this guide. At times I actually wonder if he is actually insane at all. Use it as frequently as possible, after few tries you will be able to catch the "real" Joker with it. Why are you here? Word of these fights spread throughout Arkham, and the Joker sent Bane a little surprise. After locking a villain in the cell at the GCPD Lockup, Joker made a comment about them. This is reference to the comic "The Killing Joke" that Joker killed the amusement park owner with a poison grin pin on his hand when they shook hands on the deal. He had no fear of his own imprisonment as he has escaped captivity multiple times and has since developed a symbolic connection towards Arkham Asylum, ignoring that it was the place of his confinement and has staged numerous of his plans on the site of the Asylum due to its violent background and connection to the mad clown himself. His signature toxin had been released in a powder form by fireworks. After Robin rescued Batman,Batman himself wentto deactivate the bombs before the facility blew up while Robinwent to take the officers out of the building. He even somehow managed to have the body of one of these victims left outside the elevator Strange's office. Joker was eventually returned to Arkham, but not before he stole a 'dirty bomb' and hid it inside Harley's mallet. Batman countered and subdued him with a headbutt. Joker admitted that even he didn't remember what happened and that the various stories were inspired by a friend who once told him: "if you're gonna have an origin story, it may as well be multiple choice." Well look who it is! Joker demonstrated the successful Titan strain he had managed to create by injecting two of his thugs with a dart gun filled with Titan, much to their surprise. At some point while incarcerated in Arkham Asylum, Joker was visited in his cell in the dead of night by Arkham Asylum Warden Quincy Sharp, carrying a knife. This is also because he is not simply satisfied with Batman's death, but to destroy the foundations of everything he cherishes and values, and psychologically break Batman by making him compromise his morals to prove that he is no better than the Joker himself. Among the gang outside the theater was Harley Quinn, who gasped, fell to her knees, and sobbed uncontrollably as she saw the Joker's limp body being carried away by Batman. Toshowthevigilantejusthow insane saving his life was the Joker shot both men and cited that they had done unspeakable things and were deserving of death just as he was before putting his gun on himself. While manhandling the maniac into the back of a squad car, Bullock assumed the Bat and the Clown were partners to Joker's consternation. He is a nefariously insane and homicidal supervillain who is one of the most powerful and dangerous criminal masterminds in all of Gotham City. With that, Joker knew that he was pushing Batman toward his ultimate limit. He'll be unstoppable. Joker taunted Batman with the Sequencer Codes, the only thing that would enable the office computer to shut off the countdown. Batman had overcome all odds and chosen to let him live yet again, which Joker found hysterical. But not to death. Are your pointy ears burning? His showdown withBatmaninArkham Asylumhas left him humiliated, angry and thirsty for revenge. Joker's sense of humor, whilst chaotic and sadistic, was also prone to bouts of dry cynicism, sarcasm and deadpan, as it was largely hinted that his background was that of a failing comedian. He fled the scene with Sionis and several million dollars in the back of his ambulance, and detonated bombs rigged to the vault. Now, if you wouldn't mind. Satisfied that he'd forced his nemesis to break his one rule, the Joker left intent on detonating the bombs still placed around the city. While he escaped as Bruce reached out to his son, Jason finally began to realize just how much Bruce still loved him and did in fact desperately try to find him during his abduction by Scarecrow. Note: Joker's involvement in Catwoman's escape attempt and the following depended on which boss Batman defeated last. Joker was briefly playable during the third Scarecrow encounter. After she took advantage of the situation, Harley tried to stab Batman with a knife to finish her revenge, and was stopped by Robin, who threw a Shurikenat her, which knocked her out. Rather than fight Batman, upon his arrival and confirmation of being on the 'guest list', the goons acted friendly, cheered him on, and allowed him safe passage. Does she EVER shut up about those plants of hers?Joker, getting annoyed with Ivy. I can't believe I didn't think of this before! That was a reference to the TV Drama series. February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . None! Here to save the good doctor? That could be a subtle jab directed at individuals who attempted to figure out the Arkham Knight's identity with ridiculous ideas and concepts prior to the game's release, like Quincy Sharp being the Arkham Knight for example. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! And then, BANG! Joker also saw Strange's true designs as a great way to wipe out his most hated enemies and in which, by the end of the conflict, his army would be the only force left standing, ready to tear down the walls of the prison and completely destroy Gotham . Batman, after he finally retrieved the cure, drank it and cured himself of the Titan Disease, and also kept half to cure Joker and the rest of Gotham. As the floor exploded, Batman and Clayface were violently thrown down into the Lazarus Chamber, where their brutal fight continued. Sometimes, Joker would refer to Batgirl as "Bat-Fake", which was the insult that he used on Terry McGinnis in the movie. The intern thought he was talking about her, telling him her name was Harleen. At some point Joker even acquired such a site by poisoning a real estate agent with a palm pin when they shook hands on the deal. showing that the mannequin is actually Joker. Instead of his purple suit, the Joker was shown wearing the clothes that he wore as the Red Hood, which consisted of a white shirt, dark purple trench coat that had a light red inside, green waistcoat with bloodstains, grey trousers and dress shoes, his face also showed very mild patches of human pigmentation on his white face, which indicated that his transformation from Red Hood into the Joker had recently happened, and, as seen in the previous games, the rest of his skin did eventually turn completely white. Batman disarmed and subdued him just as Branden and his SWAT team burst in, still intent on collecting the bounty. The day after, a posthumous message that was left by Joker was broadcasted to all of Gotham, including Batman. Batman went after Harley, who sent her thugs after Batman again, though he managed to defeat them all. However, this was all a part of Joker's plans as he faked his own death in order to divert Batman's attention, which allowed the hero to become vulnerable to a surprise attack. The only cell that could. Some time later, Joker attempted to attack Gordon again, by going after Barbara (without knowing of her crimefighting life). The Joker's ego-centrism in this regard was absolute as he viewed anyone who did not agree or attempted to deny his beliefs as irrational or crazy, namely Batman whose ideals of people being basically good oppose the Joker's misanthropic ones. Two weeks later, Harley escaped from her prison, reformed her old gang at the Steel Mill, kidnapped various GCPD Officers, and evencreated a shrine to Joker. The Joker however did not appear at all during, It was a surprise for many players to hear the Joker being voiced by Mark Hamill again, as he hadn't voiced the character since 2011's. The Joker had a ring side seat to the battle, offering colorful commentarytheentiretime. You must get him close to the cell from which Batman walked out previously and activate the special environmental takedown (the picture above). In. Given his incarceration in Arkham City, he had concocted twelve unique identities with Batman being a defining detail in each. He escaped via elevator, which was filled with several crates of the Titan; this left Batman to deal with his new Titan Henchmen. he now believed he had a reason to be and the chance to top himself. Batman attempted to track down Gordon by detecting the alcohol that Boles left in the air. After he formed an alliance with the dying clown during his imprisonment in Arkham Asylum, Clayface was quickly convinced to aid the Joker and embroiled himself in the Clown Prince of Crimes last megalomaniac master plan. Ever paranoid, Black Mask had a body double enter the safe house as a diversion while he snuck in via the adjacent balcony. How come it all ended in a church?". 02/26/2023 - 10:35 am . Criminals, increasingly extreme in their methods and personality. Citizens who came into contact with it died. The dying hero then entered Clayface's body, retrieved the cure, cut him open, and incapacitated the monster once and for all. Though he failed to kill the original Robin who would go on to become Nightwing or Batgirl, he would eventually win a terrible victory. When he entered the office, Batman found Harley crying over a seemingly lifeless Joker in a wheelchair. More and more billboards gained an alternate Jokerized appearance as the player progressed though the story mode. When visiting the Visitor Center, after the Joker finished talking to you, turn the camera around and after a few seconds turn it back and you noticed how the Joker "mannequin's" arms change positions. Ding! Using the sewers systems and tunnels that Joker's crew had made over the previous months, Joker's followers infiltrated Penguin's territory and began claiming it for themselves. Other versions of the story, told to Dr. Penelope Young, included being born in a small fishing village with thwarted aspirations of joining the circus and being the son of a police officer who was slain by the mob. Young tried everything from returning the donations to actually putting a block on her account. Shortly after his transformation the Joker began scheming. His criminal record makes clear that he is an unrepentant homicidal maniac. It's an essential part of his character, and one that's easy to respect in comics,. Multiple Blackgate staff on March riot: Killed in various ways. You've denied me even that I have nothing to live for.Joker, before injecting himself with Titan. Soon after his arrival in Gotham City, the Penguin decided to make an impression on the underworld elite with a gala opening for his nightclub, theIceberg Lounge. That, however, turned out to be a trap, as the bombs were actually placed within Joker's cell at the asylum by Clayface, in order to lure Batman there. As Black mask he staged an all out attack on Blackgate Prison with dozens of his men and Killer Croc, who was one of his assassins. Keep shooting until you will be able to activate the special attack (The Killing Joke) which is Joker's version of suppressive fire. In love with the very madness that he created, Joker was not concerned in the slightest about his opponents in the turf wars as he had already begun to lay the foundations of his megalomaniac plans and implement his numerous trump cards that only he and a select few knew about. Using Harley's prints, Batman found the entrance to the Titan Production facility. They declared themselves the mayor and mayoress of Arkham City. (Henry threatens Batman) I've changed my mind! Roman placed a spooked Tiffany in his safe house at Lacey Towers. Years before the Arkham Riots, Joker was seen wearing a carnival master's suit, which closely resembled his purple tailcoat, with a top hat. Okay, Bats, let's get ready to RRRRRRRUMBA!! Batman headed into the sewers to gain access to the office but was delayed by other situations. Examples of such are when Bane rocketed an RPG toward the Gotham Royal Hotel, instead of panicking he casually accepted his fate without a hesitation and when he shot himself with a harmful amount of Titan. The Joker's emotions were impossible to read, one of his own henchman even commented on how his mindset could change so easily from being maniacal and humorous to being a serious, calculative mastermind. Feeling distraught over losing Katie, Edward Burke decided to sign the amusement park over to Jack White, and committed suicide by using pills that were given to him by White (not knowing that it contained Joker Toxin). With Batman grieving, Joker offered to take control of his body to free him of his pain; however, Joker lost his chance when Batman was encouraged to save Gotham from Scarecrow by Alfred. There, he casually burnt out one of the warden's eyes and threatened to slaughter his entire family if security wasn't lowered on the night that the recently captured Calendar Man was to be executed. For the first time in their battles, Joker was truly horrified, helpless and useless against Batman, ending with the clown prince being severely beaten and thrown into a cell within Arkham Asylum in Intensive Treatment. After he influenced Burke to think about building an amusement park for his daughter, Katie, Joker also gave him several ideas on how to build one. Displeased with the thug's attitude Joker dispensed with the Black Mask disguise altogether, surprising the assassins. While stuck in an existential rut he encountered a criminal who claimed to be able to control the weather. He then proceeded to begin taking over the west side of Arkham Island. Soon after, Scarecrow detonated the Cloudburst, covering Gotham in Fear Toxin. The movie will focus on a younger version of Batman who has been fighting crime for over a year. Freeze from Penguin, and knew that this would also topple Cobblepot's power in Arkham City and eliminate a major opponent in his control for Arkham City. The game is presented from a third-person perspective, with a primary focus on Batman's melee combat, stealth abilities, detective skills, and gadgets. The PC version told the player to "tilt the mouse" instead. Throughout the game there were three times where the major plot twist with Clayface acting as Joker was subtly revealed. After tracking down the electronic signal from the Electrocutioner's Shock Gloves, Batman infiltrated the hotel and dispensed Joker's men just in time to hack into the security feed and watch the meeting. It can be used at cosplay conventions and Halloween parties. Ironically, that was nothing more than a ruse by Batman, who finally turned the tables on his hated nemesis and regained control of his mind. scared?Scarecrow doesn't know he is talking to Joker, Are you trying to say something Bats?Joker realizes Batman is trying to get to him. After being defeated during the Blackgate Riots, he was seen laughing insanely all the while saying "this is going to be fun" indicating their lifelong battle has finally begun and would not end until one of them died. Later, Joker reflected on Harley and Deadshot being together. Disguised as an Arkham guard, she overpowered the Joker's escorts and stole her puddin' away to a boat waiting on the island's quayside. This however, seems to condradict to him asking Batman about his identity in Arkham Asylum. The picture in question showed them after Robin arrived to help Batman after being ganged up on by the League of Assassin ninjas, and before Batman went to search for Ra's al Ghul. The stealth challenges were when the Joker must defeat all the Arkham guards without being detected in a large area of Arkham Asylum complete with nooks and crannies for the Joker to hide in. Joker's primary weapon was his Ace of Spades: itdealt a large amount of damage which couldkill two Elites at the same time and could ricochet through corners allowing to kill an Elite taking cover. Batgirl and Robin went to rescue him after the Joker threatened to kill Gordon if Batman arrived. The joke was on him though, as Barbara refused to let that tragedy define her and became Oracle, an invaluable hacking and information source for Batman's detective work. It will trigger a long cutscene. During stealth missions where Joker must dispose of Arkham's security on patrol, he could use a pair of glasses called specs to see through walls and identify guards, similarly to Detective mode, though he can't move while using them. On more than one occasion he presented numerous opportunities for Batman to take his life, if only to prove that deep down everybody was like him. Share the best GIFs now >>> Nearing the end of his routine, the Joker acquired a camera to show Batman his handiwork. To that end, Joker made use of the construction equipment at the Steel Mill to build massive tunnels that connected to Gotham's sewers and subway system as a shelter for whatever Strange had planned to ensure that his army survived while the rest of his enemies were slaughtered. To renew his game with Batman, Joker made an anonymous phone call to the Gotham Tonight Show to inform the staff there that Batman was in Arkham City in order to lure news reporter, Vicki Vale, to Arkham City. Climb in order to bypass a gate. However, it had a powerful recoil and reloading was quite time consuming. Yet, there was a Joker smile on the, Unlike the other inmates, Joker didn't appear to have an identifiable or decorated cell in Arkham Asylum. After going to rescue the kidnapped cops, Batman was shot by Harley and put in a sphere in the Joker robot in a comatose state. Nonetheless, he did not fear his own death in itself. I really don't know who to root for now. Batman: Arkham Collection is a bundle of the three main games in the Arkham series, featuring the character of DC's Dark Knight: Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Arkham Knight, as well as the Season Pass for the latter one. Almost every prisoner within Arkham City would be forced to join Joker's army, which made Joker the ruling elite on the streets while Two-Face's men were being rounded up and tortured for information at the Steel Mill. Joker revealed he accepted the possibility of death within Arkham City and took precautions to ensure that he lived on through his poisoned blood. in much the same manner as the announcer yelling: "Here's Johnny" in the beginning of the Johnny Carson show. Before things could escalate any further Sharp seemed to freeze up with sudden terror. No surprise when he he feels my blade whisper into his heart.Joker, thinking about his dream of killing Batman. Soon the Joker had killed or turned gang members as he saw fit, ordering the survivors to place explosives in the sewers directly beneath significant skyscrapers. The Joker debuted in Batman #1, the Spring 1940 launch of the Dark Knight's dedicated comic-book series; it also revealed the superhero's origin for the first time and contained the first . There's a section of the game near the end, where you play as the Joker/Batman who succumbed to the Joker infection. Hell, who am i kidding, he'd do something much better. He often belittled others over their shortcomings, such as toying with Aaron Cash, during his incarceration back into Arkham Asylum over his fear of Killer Croc and, after being rescued, announces to give Cash "a hand", following with "he could use one". Various Arkham Asylum's staff: In various ways such as laughing gas. The most obvious one being clowns which, after an accident that resulted in the mutation of his appearance to resemble harlequins, became the motif of his crime empire and carried out in his manner of killing his victims (making them laugh to death after exposing them to his Joker Toxin). Also, In virtually all continuities, when Joker fell into the acid as the Red Hood, he was a young man, likely in his early 30s as he had already graduated college and grad school, which was evident by his chemical expertise, and as this happened in, The Joker had multiple different Character Trophies in each game. I thought I already was living live to the limit. Batman revealed to Joker that the villain was afraid of being ashes and being forgotten and that he would indeed be forgotten by everyone. Joker then revealed that he had recaptured Gordon before he could escape back to Gotham. Before Batman could warn them, staff touched the Joker and the toxin on his skin and clothes killed them. However, Katie was diagnosed with an incurable disease, which left Burke devastated. What do think of this for your mansion, Mr. Mayor? Freeze was locked up). Joker deduced that, though Henry was an impressive host for him, he still could not compare to Batman and used his consciousness to influence Henry into committing suicide, which resulted in all four innocent hosts having their lives ruined and taken by the same influence. During the escort, the Joker made shrewd remarks to many of the Arkham Staff including Warden Quincy Sharp, Officer Aaron Cash, and Dr. Penelope Young before he was taken down the elevator. Batman escaped via the ventilation system, making his way to the Library and freed the hostages that Joker was storing there. The story begins with Batman visiting Arkham, hoping he and his longtime adversary can work through their differences before their rivalry kills them both. Joker was the only playable character in the series who took fall damage if he fell from too great a height. For someone who's not Batman, you've been a real pain in my ass. Joker then demanded the mallet, in which he had hidden his dirty bomb. And so I'm home in the Asylum. As "Black Mask" made his exit via helicopter Croc got his chance to make up for it when he caught Batman's scent, staying behind to duel the vigilante and claim the bounty. He has stated, however, that he constantly relishes the idea of Batman's death and has attempted to kill the Dark Knight whenever the opportunity presented itself. He didn't have to wait long. Batman: Gotham Knight does not set out in the Batmanverse, nor does it follow Batman: Arkham Knight in any way. Initial search revealed his body had a secondary layer of skin on top of the decaying one, and a box containing a flash drive, with a message "Do Not Open Till X-Mas" written on it, hidden under that layer. Write by: . When you take direct control of the Joker, use the small exit from the room. Katie Burke was used as the first test subject for Project Titan, though the project was a failure, as Katie's condition got worse, and she suffered a painful death. Joker implied, during his many comments, that one of the reasons why Batman had decided to outfit the new Batmobile with a more extensive arsenal was because of the villain's consciousness subtly influencing him. However, he does not seem fettered by his psychopathic qualities or simply unaware of them but took no attempt to better himself. Even as Joker was dragged back to Arkham, his plan unraveled. But now I know it can go much further. Young remained optimistic about her work until her next session with the Joker. Clayface as Joker, gleeful, prepared to carve a smile into his face when Talia al Ghul interrupted him and offered him immortality in return for Batman's life. Scarecrow's Fear Toxin, mixed with the infection, brought out the darker aspects of Batman and all his fears in the form of the Joker, a Joker who knew that Batman was Bruce Wayne, and who taunted him on many personal things such as Talia's death and even Batman's own doubts and fears, including his guilt over Joker's death, much to the hallucination's delight as he slowly took over. He could keep out of sights, at least until his transfer to Arkham City. Joker was completely unafraid of physical pain, intimidation or imprisonment. Months later, Dr. Young was pleasantly surprised to find that an anonymous benefactor, 'Mr. Batman: Arkham Asylum - The Road to Arkham, Joker's sense of humor, whilst chaotic and sadistic, was also prone to bouts of dry cynicism, sarcasm and deadpan, as it was largely hinted that his background was that of a failing comedian. It should be noted that there were very small traces of human toned pigmentation on Joker's face, which possibly indicated (along with the newspaper articles of Red Hood in the Batcave) that Red Hood's encounter with Batman and his transformation into the Joker had only recently happened, and that slowly, the rest of his skin started to turn white. The Joker then used a Molotov cocktail to eliminate evidence and tortured Black Mask by giving him a choice: watch Tiffany burn to death or shoot her to put her out of her misery. Joker also killed countless people off screen. That was a reference to the classic, In Dr. Young's Notes, Joker may have looked at them, but he only put his signature around himself only, not even Harley. After overdosing himself on Titan, Joker's appearance drastically changed; like most of the thugs that he injected Titan into, he grew in size and muscle. They died just before the night that he helped a gang of thieves from The Falcone Crime Family break into the Ace Chemicals plant, disguised as the infamous Red Hood. aren't. Welcome. Taking the hint, the remaining assassins headed out into the night to find Batman, except for Bane who knew that he would be coming for the Joker. Announcer yelling: `` Here 's Johnny '' in the next chapter of this guide a wheelchair in. To track down Gordon by detecting the alcohol that Boles left in Batmanverse. Tiffany in his safe house as a diversion while he snuck in via the system! For now and reloading was quite time consuming death within Arkham City and took to... 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