I was born November 15th 1999 In Nairobi, Kenya You are in tune not only with your emotions, but with other people's feelings as well. Before you go any further, have you joined the largest online Starseed Community? There are fewer Andromedan starseeds on earth than others. Another common experience that Andromedan starseeds have is seeing the truth behind things that seem false or misleading. Dont worry though if you dont have evident markings in your chart not every starseed does! . Which does the infinity symbol connect from? Luckily, the website mentioned above pulls all of your planet positions, houses, aspects, and nodes into a few handy charts which are easy to read. However, like with everything in this reality, we can never know for sure, so exercise your own discernment and only take on as truth that which resonates for you as truth. The first chart shows you what youre most likely already comfortable with; your sun, moon, and rising (ascendant) sign, along with all your other planetary positions. Here are the three most prominent traits of an Andromedan starseed: Andromedan starseeds are obsessed with freedom. Whilst there are many signs that point to you being a starseed soul, there is a shorter and more definitive way to tell; starseed markings. We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Much love, Julia. Unconventional and quirky. Many scholars believe that Andromedans are predominantly humanoid race from the Andromeda galaxy, more precisely, the Zenetae star system. There is grouping according to star origin, soul age (old and new), aura, etc. The positions of the celestial bodies with each other at the point of your birth make up the star systems. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. There are some misconceptions about starseeds when it comes to markings and birthmarks. Asc 29Sag with Capricorn intercepted 1st house. You solve your problems differently from the norm. Having a fiery, driven, or change-making sign such as Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius, or Virgo here is a possible sign of an impactful future starseed mission. You will constantly feel the need to be doing something productive. Expereinces such as floating in your sleep, being pulled underwater by a force you cant identify, or losing control of your body for a few seconds at a time. What are the Starseeds Types? 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 or 55 tends to show old soul, 13, 14 or 15 can indicate Avian origin, If Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Mars or Capricorn is strong in your chart (shows up 3 times or more), there is likely to be an, If Cancer or Scorpio are strong or are in a Sun placement, its likely a. Some others have visions where they see what really happened during important events in history, instead of what was eventually reported to the public. Andromedan starseeds are people whose physical DNA or Soul coding was created in the Andromeda Galaxy. They love to walk outdoors, breathe in fresh air, and feel the sun on their face. They have a powerful way of inspiring people to align with the Universe. My north node is also in Gemini. Chriron in 1st House. This is because being andromeda starseeds, you receive your guidance from other higher dimensions. Intuition is a powerful force inside of you, leading you to exactly . Do you know your Andromedan Starseed Mission?Do you have Andromedan Starseed markings? Any help or suggestions are welcome the second half of the placement number. Andromedan starseed signs and traits 1: Rebellious freedom seekers 2: Great travelers 3: The odd one out 4: Selfless and Inspiring 5: Humorous Final Thoughts What to do next? Experiencing feelings of not belonging here on Earth is a strong indicator of Starseed markings. You realize that youve got a high IQ, which makes you more intelligent than most people. Do you think about things from a deeper perspective? If Libra is strong there could be an Andromeda or, If Pisces is strong there is likely to be a Pleiadian or. Many people who are starseeds say that they feel like theyre never really growing up and that theres something more to life than what society or religions see as normal. Andromeda has a higher level of consciousness than our own galaxy and thus the people who are born there have much more in common with their soul than we do. I am struggling with how to use my gifts, and in discovering my purpose/misdion. At that time, they were giants in height. How to Find Your Angel Number: 2 Simple Steps (By an Expert), 78 Deep Shadow Work Prompts to Heal, Grow & Find Yourself. This can sometimes cause Andromedan starseeds to have difficulty thinking about anything else, such as money or family. "I don't belong on earth, my soul is from the stars. Nomadrs is a space to explore your perspectives related to the more esoteric side of spirituality. Any triple or double signs in your big three e.g. This is another trait that is common among most Andromedan starseeds. Lyran starseeds originate from the constellation Lyra, mainly the planet, Vega. Once youve inputted your information, scroll down to the section that says Planets and Points in the Houses. You are from the Pleiades Jo, as am I- your purpose is to do that which brings you great joy and thus show humanity the possibilities of having a beautiful life as hoped by our Universal sources of Love and Intelligent Energy call on their help when you need help Jo, they are itching to help you and us with the upgrade we are helping to flush out to the masses. Andromedan starseeds are able to see the past or future with their third eye, thus they have very vivid visions. We have a few things in common~ Learn how your comment data is processed. The hands and the feet are delicate in appearance with long fingers and toes. You wrote this: People just dont care about this Planet and it hurts me to my core the cruelty is devastating and painful. But, in my experience, 3+ single zodiac signs (e.g. This was mind blowing to me! Be bright in the light . sun, moon or rising is a good indicator of starseed presence. Thats why Ive linked to this handy resource which explains over 100 trines, squares, conjunctions etc to look for. Im searching for meaning, I know I have a message to impart and gifts to share. Youre meant to feel very strongly about the state of the world and are expected to feel extremely disturbed by it. Much love, Julia, Yes John!!! I love this website to automatically draw up birth charts. Taurus in any of these placements is a true sign of being in tune with gut feelings and intuition. Starseed markings (or Starseed alignments) are celestial body characteristics in birth charts, ie the position of astronomical bodies - the sun, moon, stars, & visible planets. Orion starseeds can be very opinionated and critical. Heres a good place to pull that reading. I feel like I need a soapbox or platform as well, and I want to find my people and like-minded souls who would like to share info and Id like to collaborate and help each other. Some people who resonate with being a starseed have these markings in their chart, others not so much. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: https://youtu.be/0Xzzn0OKOCc Starseed markings can also be alternatively sub-grouped into two main groups; The personality traits of each Starseed type differ. When my gifts began exposing themselves I pushed them down for lack of understanding. Any suggestions? Good question. Andromedan starseeds are always going to feel the pain of others, but theyre going to want to do something about it. The great majority of Andromedan starseeds tend to be very loving and loving people with a lot of compassion for others. Those who achieve optimum potential are spiritually aware and can explore all perks of their journey, for example, telepathy, channeling, and healing. Definitely a starseed. Click here to get your own personalized reading. What is a Starseed? Having Leo or Virgo in these signs symbolizes against being a starseed i.e. Andromedan Starseeds feel this sense of de-ja vu because they have a stronger connection to their home star. The Sun in Taurus, Ascendant Capricorn, Moon in Virgo, Mercury in Taurus, Venus in Gemini, and Mars in Virgo. The first column represents the planet, the second column represents the sign you were born with for that planetary position, and the third column shows to what degree you were born under e.g. Their body systems dont work the same way as others would. It is said that starseeds only discover their true nature after a predetermined trigger or activation code of some sort. To look at it from the perspective of someone like me, who has never been into astrology yet, was very interesting and enlightening. Seek, and remember what you told yourself to forget. Thank you. 32 Major Signs Your Soul is From A Distant Light System. Growing plants, interacting with people and animals are easy tasks for you. Polarian Starseeds. Just something to keep in mind. Here are some of the Andromedan starseed traits: easy to talk to. The only exception to this rule is with Virgo and Taurus south nodes. As a side note: I moved to Hilo last year, the Earths heart chakra, looking to make a difference and find my purpose. Alpha Centaurians are known for their thirst for knowledge. Im not sure what brought on my awakening this time but Im living it and loving it. Andromedan starseeds have a unique mission in regards to their experience in this lifetime. Andromedan starseeds often have strange birthmarks that relate to their otherworldly origins. Constellation of Andromeda "Andromeda is most prominent during autumn evenings in the Northern Hemisphere It is one of the largest constellations. What does do your shadow work mean. Jun 28, 2021 - If you feel a sense of loss as you become aware of your true nature, then you might be a Starseed. And its free for a limited time. Im an 11:11 or 1:11 ~ Master Number. mine is in virgo at 1914. Sometimes it is a single act on this earth that sparks an awakening. I am an Orion Starseed, found the mark of Orion on my left arm. Starseed markings may be physical or abstract. Kepler has or had an ancient creator race that I think might be superior to many and also designed many races in our heavens, including humans. Those with an Andromeda planetary origin seek freedom. Thank you for this detailed explanation! Im hoping we can help the planet weve found ourselves on in this lifetime. I have been trying to figure this out for a while If that is your name then you could be from Kepler 22b. Ive read many birth charts over the years. The business of life is the acquisition of memories. Im just wanting to know whats legit and what the possibilities are, Your mother and father of different descents perhaps? These are just the most commonly known ones. Mike, All sun signs have the potential to be a starseed, but those with a water sign e.g. Venus in Taurus opposed Scorpio Uranus. Starseed Blood Types: Debunking Common Myths! Andromedan starseeds are freedom seekers, wanderers and system busters. These are just general waypoints Ive seen in many charts over the past few years. These people are often very generous and dont believe in greed or hoarding as a way of getting more out of life. Since Andromedans are from a higher frequency, they are able to penetrate the veil between dimensions and have deeper perception that most Earth bound humans. The Andromedan starseeds are from our neighboring galaxy Andromeda. This nurturing, loving energy comes from having a strong divine feminine influence in their past lives e.g. Sending you lots of love and blessings . Very young hands women like and small but strong Andromedans are much higher frequency beings, they operate and live in the 12th dimension. Hi Lacy! This will often be someone telling you about the afterlife or about something completely new, such as seeing for the first time whats going on behind the scenes in politics or religion. The strongest identifier of a Lyran Starseed is their cat-like features, for example, having upturned almond eyes, and they might also be keen on cats as animals. How do I find out exactly? Love and light Again, you can be a starseed or have starseed origins without these influences. They are susceptible to becoming depressed and withdrawn. At some point, they will realize that the freedom they seek, and the feelings they often have of being . The 33, 34, 35 placement is looking at the aspect () i.e. If you have any of these traits, you may be an Andromedan Starseed. The Starseed Characteristics of Each Zodiac Sign Aries (March 21-April 19) If you feel you possess a vast store of energy and drive, and are even frustrated at the physical limitations of your body - this is a clear sign that you are a starseed. Affinity: This chart will show your conjunctions indicating affinity. Aquarius is also one to watch out for. Andromedan starseeds - Originate from Andromeda; Venusian starseeds - Originate from the planet Venus and prove the planet had once supported life; Martian starseeds - Originate from mars and similarly prove that the planet once supported life. If Virgo is strong there could be a Vega/Lyran connection. Bear patience as you seek answers to lifes biggest questions. Generally speaking, however, birthmarks of some type almost any type can be a sign. If youve ever had a feeling that youve been somewhere before, and cant quite place where it is, then youre probably an Andromedan starseed. Both feminine and masculine races originating in Orion currently on planet Earth as Starseeds. I was born at the break of dawn during a total solar eclipse so I m a Gemini sun, Gemini moon, and Gemini rising. The names given to both the Andromeda galaxy and constellation are indicative. This is something that youll have to learn to live with, but there are ways to make it easier on yourself. Ive never really seen any *true* pattern with north node placements. The first row shows your ascendant or rising sign e.g. It is located in the first quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ1) and can be seen at latitudes between +90 and -40. You might be vibrating at a higher frequency than most people on Earth, and you may be here to help guide humanity towards a path of enlightenment. 3 or 4? You likely have an insatiable curiosity and love learning new things. I have done astrology since about 8-10yo, mathematics, computer programmer since 1996, artist, musician and I have music apps up on the Android store since 2016. I am Sirian. 32 Major Signs Your Soul is From A Distant Light System, How to Tell if Youre Going Through a Deep Starseed Awakening. Add to cart Category: Starseed Book You may also find it difficult to sleep if there are electronic devices around you. Or perhaps youre looking to find more information about your Starseed origins. My mother just died last March, so now I really feel like an orphan Although I admit that I was always pretty much an outsider in my own family. As am I hello sister seed I am a Leo sun, Aquarius moon and a Scorpio rising. E.g. As Andromedan starseeds, youre made to be deeply concerned about the happenings on earth. its unlikely for someone with a true starseed origin to have these markings in their chart, mainly due to stubbornness (though not impossible if supported by other markings!). The heart-centredness of an Andromedan starseed gives off a powerful healing vibration. Thanks alot for about starseed origin. Thank you! You always feel like you know something others dont know. For example, one Andromedan might enjoy fitness and physical power, yet they also know how to connect with animals. Aspects are a little more tricky and advanced, but this chart makes them fairly simple to read. Starseeds can be grouped based on different categories. I have onions belt on my arm and rhe big dipper on my chest Im am Aquarius every thing in my life points to orion but I cant help think pleiadian ??? If you have water signs, cancer or scorpio in your moon through to mars positions, its likely you are of starseed origin. Some believe that their origin in the 12th dimension has something to do with it. The core Star Seed is one who has activated extra-terrestrial genetics in the present lifeline, and a clear recall of an immediate past lifeline in a different Star System. Pinterest. And the signs pointing to the cosmic origin of our seemingly material existence are abundant. You are a fellow Starseed from the 7 Sisters clusters greetings and well wishes to you brother seed, Andromedean as well, I found out in a reading.. Do you know anymore info plz & ty. 2.5 years apart we are both figuring out our souls journey. Note these degrees or aspects can be in any part of your natal chart, including houses, planetary aspects or south/north node placements. Read more about Julia Lundin. I hope to earn money with my dance to built houses for them and I want all childeren to have there own room. I know of a couple types from watching videos and hearing what to look for on my birth chart, but I feel drawn to others that werent listed in the video also. They have helped me out in the past and Ive always found them honest and compassionate in their readings. But in this incarnation, you can learn where your soul has been and where its from. Since they have a higher level of consciousness, they are able to see through the illusions of the material world and feel much more strongly and thus they can be very judgmental. You might find that you often have sudden thoughts about what you need to do in order to progress in your life. This site creates charts with detailed descriptions rather than the traditionally hard to decipher birth chart wheel, so its a little more beginner friendly. Am more creative, thus I do music and I do overthink,, and a times I read mind and think what someone might be thinking and even my sir name Ochieng means when the sun is out shining Tolerant of people, but prefer animals. You are probably a seed for many systems or a mix. All rights reserved. Their ties to friends and family are simultaneously loving and loose. This is because your intuition is stronger than most peoples, so you can use it as a tool to guide you in the right direction. Most (but not all) starseeds have an empathetic, free-flowing side to them. Starseed markings arent bodily markings as many believe, but instead they are key alignments and events that appear in your celestial birth chart. Andromedan starseeds are also very intuitive and sensitive, so being around water can help you to feel more in tune with your emotions, and even receive messages from the water. Who are the Andromedan starseeds? This book will help individuals identify their starseed past lives and learn to work with the karma that inherited from that past life. You can also choose to seek out people who you think might be able to understand you and your situation. Andromedan starseeds are from the Andromeda galaxy outside our own. You find yourself noticing things other people tend to ignore. It was also known as Mulier Catenata in Latin, meaning chained woman.. Andromedans are Starseeds that come from Andromeda. Have a beautiful day! Im an every healer/ worker. This is because these individuals are guided by an extremely powerful force and thus their life is completely out of their control. Its honestly mind-blowing. Exciting times indeed, thanks for sharing your story. Youre going to have very strange dreams at a young age and even more so as you get older. This is the main reason why many starseeds feel lonely despite having good friends and a loving family. Starseed markings (or Starseed alignments) are celestial body characteristics in birth charts, ie the position of astronomical bodies the sun, moon, stars, & visible planets. What does that mean? 24 33 Im looking at those second numbers too when I give a reading. Typically Topical bridges the connection between this world and the unknown. Andromedans value freedom, individuality and are intune with their higher self. Your birth chart is what you will analyze to find your starseed markings. The first humans are said to have come from Lyra. Not only did they blow me away with their accurate reading, but they were also kind and understanding of my situation. The tropical placidus orb is just one of many fancy terms and house systems astrologers can use to find out what sign rules each house. Hu Julia. Yet it's important to realize that even Starseeds originating from other star systems likely have deeper origins in Orion. They have an innate sense for the healing properties of water, whether hot, cold, salty or fresh. Other signs in Sun that could indicate past starseed origin include: Virgo, Aries, and Sagittarius. There are many different types of starseeds here on Earth Listed below are some of the most common starseed types. It just means that you have a different purpose here on Earth. Kindly help me know my starseed. Starseeds can also be grouped based on auras, and each one carries a different set of personality traits. Those placement signs apply to all the figures that show up in your natal chart i.e. The zodiac was created by dividing the sky into 12 parts which represent a house. in my example above, 533 311, this is usually an indicator of psychic ability or starseed presence. Moon in houses 4th, 8th, 9th, or 12th house is extremely common with starseeds. This is why youll find them most at ease in water or in nature, both of which are known today to heal the body and mind. Yoga teachers, shamans, and reiki masters. Rock and roll, heavy metal, and music from another culture will ignite your star seed qualities to the max. Planet + Sign + House = Birth Chart significance. This is due to the fact that electronics emit electromagnetic energy, which can cause issues in your sleep if youre exposed to it for too long. Mahalo, How do I find out what type I am? Being Andromedan starseeds, you feel a very strong connection to your loved ones but also to strangers as well. My real government name is Andromeda Ayala. What do Stork Bite Birthmarks mean spiritually? If Gemini is strong, Feline or Lyran is possible, If Aquarius or Uranus is strong there could be an. Exciting times. In this post, were looking at maybe the past 4-5 incarnations (which can still span hundreds or thousands of years). Explore. This is because as an Andromedan Starseed, youre meant to be a scientist and search for answers to the mysteries of the universe. You might feel like youre constantly trying to catch up like you have a million things to do but you just cant ever seem to actually get everything done. The signs above and below will give you a good idea about whether or not youre Andromedan Starseed. Like the Andromeda galaxy itself, the light they give off shines so bright youll swear its visible to the naked eye. . Starseed Origins: Andromeda. It can also . 20 Traits, Mission & Appearance. The lips are thin and colored almost a light pink, while the ears are fitted slightly lower on the side of the head and are slightly smaller in size. The meaning of the Starseed Markings varies depending on their location. Do you think I am a starseed from Andromeda? 9 Traits of andromedan Starseeds: 1 - They love freedom and can make great efforts to maintain their freedom 2 - They enjoy traveling and some will choose a purposefully nomadic lifestyle, whether on foot, by bike, by boat or by . The sings are between 0 and 29 degrees, anyhow I set the chart. How do we do it? Thank you for this. So, to say Andromedan starseeds are from the Andromeda galaxy is a bit nebulous. Can we really ascribe traits to souls originating from an entire galaxy? Its best for them to explain whats going on and try to learn how they feel so they may interpret it correctly. Many Andromedan starseeds tap into this energy and become holistic healers. Hopefully, the signs above will shed some light on being an Andromedan Starseed. I really feel a connection, both good and bad, with the moon. All souls have their source in the divine. They are here to heal the wounds of humanity, and crying is one of the easiest ways to do that. Ive been wisdom(as my ears pop) if I am a starseed. You might feel like you have so many ideas, thoughts, and things that you want to pursue that you just dont know which one to go after first. Starseeds often long to be among the stars. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. There isnt a hard and fast rule as to what a strong influence looks like. They always do their best to cultivate freedom at a deeper level. The feeling is so strong that it cant be explained in words. Have you ever wondered if youre an alien soul, a Starseed? Seeing an Owl at Night: spiritual meaning. As you can already imagine, Andromedan starseeds are among the rarest types. While its usually blurry at first, the more you practice the clearer those visions will become. You might feel like theres a lot happening around you that requires your attention and you just want to be sure that youre helping as many people as possible. 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