There may be a few liberal subscribers, but most would be classified as deplorable by Hillary Clinton and her liberal supporters. Yes, just like the communists would. CLAY: Three kids. Both have been embraced by those same deplorables because they are among the few liberals who are willing to actually call out the left when it is deserved. Theres a couple of months where this thing really does seem to work and it provides protection and you saw that in Israel, you saw it in the U.K., you saw it through the American nursing home data. If you look back at Moderna and the companies have played this so brilliantly. First of all, the U.K. used a lot of AstraZeneca which we dont use here. Immediately. He didn't even go to his subscriber base to explain his actions. Do you think that Twitter is going to ban you? 16 talking about this. Go get it. Oct 25, 2021. Furthermore, for those 40 and older, the average rate of COVID-19 per 100,000 was higher in the fully vaccinated at 724 per 100,000 compared to the unvaccinated at 520 per 100,000. Thats actually good. Of Pandemia wishes to congratulate those who have not lost faith! One of the reasons the Fauci-ites and my old employer at the Times hate me so much is you cant dismiss me as a conspiracy nut because Im not a conspiracy nut. There is beauty all around you if youll slow down long enough to see it. Our past discretions should not guide our current humanity. Don't take it from me, take it from Moderna! Well. ALEX: you are very unlikely to get it again. Berenson is a journalist with no medical credentials. The Question of Masks. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz took to Twitter to slam "Leftie Brown Shirts" who he claimed were cheering Alex Berenson's ban from the platform . And if not, what does the future look like right now? Thats over a hundred thousand infections a day, the last few days, the equivalent. This means in England during the month of September, if you were 40 or older, you were more likely to catch COVID-19 if you were vaccinated, rather than if you were unvaccinated. I mean they are smarter, they have more money, much smarter than the public health authorities. I mean, do you believe that its not the case that for anybody, that if you get the shot, whoever you are, whoever you may be, youre much less likely to end up in the hospital and/or die from this from covid? 83. Lets say we could get Alex Berenson to walk into the Biden Oval Office right now and they would have to listen. Built for those who work hard to prosper and for those who do not to fail. He's been kicked off Twitter and runs his own highly successful Substack. Ill say this, okay, when you look at the Israeli data there is one thing that theyre sort of clinging to, this idea that vaccines still prevent or lower the risk of severely illness and death, okay? They were talking about boosters back in January. Do we know? Alex Berenson Returns with More Data You Won't Get Elsewhere. ALEX: which I dont think I was on. It's why, early on in the pandemic, he was virtually the only one willing to step outside the narrative and say what no one else was saying. For example, data from, also show the majority of COVID cases in the fully vaccinated. Good for him. Click to read Unreported Truths, by Alex Berenson, a Substack publication with hundreds of thousands of readers. There's a new paper. Both of them are doing very well on earnings from paid subscriptions. He has a new book out called PANDEMIA. My mother months ago asked me if she should. But since she said that, Twitter has been much, much harsher to me. Along with a number of other real MDs, there are very few people with more credibility than Dr. Malone in this area, if any. Okay? It was a role he loved. According Alex Berenson's Substack subscription page, he has "tens of thousands of paid subscribers.". BUCK: There will be a news story that will say, Booster getting approval, booster here, booster there. Well, shouldnt that be known? Thats a little bit of an overstatement. They are useless. 107. We went at warp speed. Alex Berenson covered the drug industry and financial fraud as a reporter for the New York Times. The bad news: only in Bulgaria. Please. While they accuse the other side of doing what they are doing at a never ending drumbeat, I wonder if those following them even understand what is going on. ALEX: No, I was So since the Biden administration had that press conference, since Jen Psaki put the list of 12 names and mentioned that . There is simply no way that England has completely contradictory data to the United States with the same virus and vaccines. Governor DeSantis Talks to Clay and Buck. Clay on FBI Director Wray Finally Catching Up to the Wuhan Lab Leak, Is He Running? Subscribe. CLAY: Okay. His case vs Twitter has reached discovery. Once a liberal hack, almost always a liberal hack. By Khaleda Rahman On 8/30/21 at 8:21 AM EDT. CLAY: The timing of it more than anything else. If we have a strategy to end this thing or if we have a strategy to handle this, if the Biden administrations doing such a great job which is what we were told, shouldnt we already know, Alex, if youre gonna need a booster shot for this? Something is rotten in Denmark. U.S. Ted Cruz. Alex, we both really appreciate your work on this. Unreported Truths Part 1 focused on the way we count deaths from COVID-19. BUCK: So in this country right now going back to the narrative thats all being jammed down our throats all the time by the generally Democrat-aligned corporate media . I think it is an important look into a specific phenomenon based on my observations. New York Times best selling author, Alex Berenson, appeared on "The Joe Rogan Experience" to discuss Public Health England's latest data on the COVID vaccines. Thats right. Second of all, kids are dirty little creatures who are like constantly touching them and taking them off and switching them with each other. People look at the numbers, they look at the data, and come to very different conclusions. How is it possible that public health officials and media pundits in the United States continue to call it a pandemic of the unvaccinated when 72.32% of COVID deaths in England occurred in the fully vaccinated last month? Facebook. Because he is now using his platform on Twitter to slam and defame a woman who has suffered from serious neurological vaccine injuries, Alex Berenson has crossed a line, a line which has destroyed any shred of credibility he had as a . Theyre homicide or suicide or something like that. And something like that is happening on a much broader level with much bigger consequences right now. Theyve been lied to for 18 months, they were told the vaccines were gonna save them and, you know, get us all back to the hot back summer. Thanks so much for being here, Alex. I think Delta has ended that. Please. Berenson makes an airtight case . Hes just a journalist whos been asking questions and gone against the consensus when the data told him to and he is here with us now in studio in New York. Suddenly the money is there like magic--just don't ask too much where it came from, what was cut to make it happen (like the roads, bridges, broken dams, etc), just don't look too closely at social programs that take kids from their moms for one violation of drugs or whatever so that they can sell that kid into the sex tradeEvil is normalized in order to get something else. YouTube Bans All Content Stating Vaccines Are Ineffective Or Dangerous: YouTube has expanded its medical misinformation policies with new guidelines targeting content that falsely alleges that approved vaccines are dangerous and cause chronic health effects, claims that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of the disease, or contains misinformation on the substances contained in vaccines will be removed. Read More. Thank you for a lucid, meaningful and unique take on what was an unsettling and unnecessary ambush, also, as you noted, dishonest in multiple ways. Alex Berenson goes on Fox News and directly calls me a liar to my face and says I didn't invent RNA vaccines. So well put masks aside for a second but even though the amount of ferocity directed at people like you, me, Clay, for even questioning it, to me, was like a mask mental illness on display. He was therefore cast out of the establishment club for daring to go against the government and media narrative. There is no equity if you loose all your own freedoms. So the data is more comparable to the U.S. data. Like, thats my spiritual place. Please, released last Tuesday, New York Times best-selling author, Alex Berenson, who was. But when you ask the CDC to present studies showing that masks work, that cloth or surgical masks work to protect their wearers from covid they dont have any because those studies dont exist. Please check your inbox. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. In total, 2,284 of the 3,158 total COVID deaths in England for the month of September were fully vaccinated. We have punished our kids enough. The right wings folks who embrace him also love the ex-New York Times credential. BUCK: How could we not know if boosters are required? They have their stooges, the big media sources and conglomerates run their propaganda and subvert dissenting speech which does not fit their narrative. He has been blocked and locked off of every site possible. The day the hospital ships left New York City, New York Harbor in April/late March or I guess its late April of last year, that argument should have ended. So vaccines are supposed to be permanent, right? Back and better than ever. Here is the clip. Alex came across as a complete ass. CLAY: Okay, Alex, I want to ask you this question. On Jan. 14, 2022, Berenson was paired with Dr. Robert Malone on Fox News to discuss censorship. Now, on the other hand, for those 39 and below, according to this data, the unvaccinated have a higher chance of contracting COVID-19, but considering the 10,000-fold difference in. When will there be a reckoning? But they do have far more side effects. CLAY: I think thats just significant cause so many parents are out there as it pertains to kids and covid. His recent posts and actions tend to support this theory. Tucker Carlson and Alex Berenson approach the . The mRNA experiment needs to stop. He tells you the truth, good or bad about almost anything you might like to know about this scourge of the World. Why is no one in the mainstream media acknowledging the United Kingdoms publicly available data showing for the 40 and older age groups, 79.94% of COVID-19 cases in England during September were fully vaccinated? BUCK: Are there (crosstalk) that you know, can I ask, who are willing to say that to you offline? Costs nothing for now and if you get in now you will never pay. The country that did the best job with the mRNA vaccinations has a serious crisis on its hands right now. Is the data clear on this one? BUCK: is that the only reason we still have covid-19, really, is because of Delta being more efficient at spread and unvaccinated people. Alex Berenson is at it againnow attacking the vaccine injuredspecifically "middle-aged ladies.". Alex Berenson joins Clay and Buck to give data analysis on covid vaccinations. And one of these things people sayis, Oh, yeah, the measle vaccines fails. Yeah, after 25 years if youre exposed to somebody with measles and youre in the same room with them for an hour, okay? This thing is not bad enough to destroy our society. So that idea that the vaccines are gonna end up the epidemic, that they are going to return life to normal by themselves? Paris Pied. Because the collective is more important to them. BUCK: and now theyve gone back on that. Alex Berenson is the one man who has methodically tracked down every source, number, and study about Coronavirus that can be found. He pointed to the fact that the British Governments own data shows the majority of COVID cases and deaths occurred in the fully vaccinated during the month of September, or more specifically, between the weeks of 34 and 37 2021. These days, the truth tends to support non-establishment Democrat narratives, so independent news is essential. Berenson, who has generally been very careful and measured in his statements about the vaccines, argued on Substack and on Fox News Tuesday night that the data makes clear that not only do the mRNA vaccines not work, they appear to be making the pandemic worse. By all accounts, he has done quite well with paid subscriptions here. That was the (pre-vaccine) Covid death risk for people under 50 - not 30, 50, and including people with severe comorbidities. 33. Anyone surprised by this is not paying attention. He was not invited on to express his beliefs about Dr. Malone. Alex Berenson. So I added this up, starting at a baseline of 20,000 subscribers: His newest book, PANDEMIA, on the coronavirus and our response to it, was published on Nov. 30. So you do have this period where you get some protection, protection against infection and everything else. PHE defines deaths as occurring within 28 days of a positive specimen (COVID-19 test) or COVID-19 reported on death certificate. CLAY: And it hasnt been talked about that much. Alex Berenson just put up a substack pointing out that at the level of population excess mortality, many highly vaxed European countries regardless of the proportion of actual Covid deaths making up the excess are not trending well. But beyond that, I think we can all assume CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. The people who are unvaccinated in Israel, especially the older people, are probably people who are or many of them are people who are too sick to be vaccinated to begin with, right? It does not happen, okay? The left hates them for it. Thats inherent in the name. BTW it was the third hit on duckduckgo when searching for Alex Berenson substack. Alex Berenson Unprovoked Attack on Dr Robert Malone. That's true. Well, now you can get it, and in fact, there were headlines a few days ago saying that if you have a breakthrough infection youre actually as likely to transmit it as somebody. Never miss an update. will continue to seek out publicly available data from foreign nations to hold U.S. officials accountable. CLAY: Youre looking at the data and allowing it to tell a story. Explain that Israel data, for people out there. Anyway, the thing to remember about the left is they only have loyalty to their own agenda, not to people. I was first exposed to Substack when I watched people like Bari Weiss and Glen Greenwald, whose perspectives I enjoy, port their works over to the site. Whenever anyone becomes a hero, opportunities abound for the hero to become inflated.. He also writes here on substack so check him out. Just trying, you know, just trying to find out what the data is saying. And it was a terrible time, and Cuomo made bad decisions and it got worse because of the nursing homes. Gottlieb is the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, a close colleague of many federal officials - and a senior board member of Pfizer, which has made $70 billion selling . Obviously, articles like this do nothing to advance truth, but play directly into the efforts to discredit anyone who dares to disagree with the Biden administration's failed Covid policies and all the corporate media and Big Tech censors. "The mRNA experiment needs to stop. Part 2 explained lockdowns. Alex Berenson's substack is an utter gem. True story. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Independent, citizen-funded journalism. And the problem and we were talking about this a little bit during the break is there are so many people whove been so frightened because all they do is watch CNN. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Tens of thousands of paid subscribers AlexBerenson Unreported Truths By Alex Berenson They dont get sick. Theres two problems with that. 591. CLAY: Want to support your work on some level. Forget problems with the vaccines and forget any early treatment. Read more. Is it just the unvaccinated are getting whacked with Delta all over the place or what? Berenson said: , during the month of September, there were a total of 3,158 COVID deaths in England. VIP Video: Everything They Told You About Covid Was Wrong, But We're the "Conspiracy Theorists"? It doesnt end because of vaccines. They would have to hear you out. Thats what the narrative has been. Natural immunity appears significantly superior to vaccine-generated immunity, and theres good biological reasons to think thats the case: Because your body reacts to the whole coronavirus. Thats the big takeovers here. The overwhelming majority of the comments are negative regarding his attack on Dr. Malone (Malone has his own Substack that is worth reading and will be on my recommendation list). I know we think that both sides of the hysteria our nation is in should be open to free speech. Its not a conspiracy theory. Your point based on the data that you are seeing would suggest that instead of being a traditional vaccine like measles, mumps, and rubella, what youre effectively saying is this is more akin to a flu shot where youre going to have to get it every year forever, and it provides some measure of protection, but its not the equivalent of, Hey, youre never gonna get chicken pox, for instance., ALEX: Thats right but its also much more dangerous than a flu shot. We can get back to normal whenever we want! This type of thing is exactly what none of us want, or need. There is no justice from people who want to rule over you like a king or queen. Similar patterns to Public Health Englands data can be found in other countries around the world. Share this post. Three of the six were neonates with severe genetic abnormalities like babies born just too sick to live and I think the other three had terminal illness. It startled the host and the producer later apologized to Malone. 44. So Israel actually was saying that young men who are at the highest risk for myocarditis appear to have about a one in 3,000 to one in 6,000 risk of clinically significant myocarditis. ALEX: (laughing) What do you think they should do right now? And even people that I know, Alex, who have been really supportive of a lot of work youve done have complained to me and wanted me to ask you, Hes too critical. In fact, Ive been, frankly, shocked how many people are willing to pay. But there are some gems, so far, in the beginning.). You wont have to worry about missing anything. What is going on right now? Okay? BUCK: Alex, were gonna come back here in a second cause I want to talk to you about T-cell immunity. I know what your thinking, and you would be right. It doesnt It looks like if you get it and you recover from it . Berenson moved to Substack in order to get his reporting published because corporate media wouldn't touch it. Who knows! Alex Berenson, subscribe to it and you can pick up "Unreported Truths About Covid" on Amazon. ALEX: Oh, yeah! In Israel 95% of people over 80 are vaccinated, 90-plus percent of people over 60 are vaccinated, and 85% of people over 30 are vaccinated. Fox News Favorite Anti-Vaxxer Guests Alex Berenson and Robert Malone Are At War. ALEX: No. Which does not change the fact that 72.32% of COVID deaths in England last month were fully vaccinated. And that's not. There are no morals if you take away others rights. Alex Berenson Responds to "Grifter" Charges. Theyre certainly useless to keep you from getting sick, and they are almost as certainly useless to prevent you from transmitting the virus to other people. And they do it in a pretty transparent way. But they do have far more side effects. CLAY: A third time and maybe more, maybe years and years. So theres several things we should do. ALEX: I mean, its completely clear what they should do. Dr. Malone quickly responded on his Substack, calling it a low blow. Update on Berenson v Twitter This would be a very good time to donate to the legal fund. Please, URGENT: mRNAs jabs may have caused tens of millions of serious new health problems worldwide, a huge peer-reviewed study shows, Covid vaccines are linked to a 20 percent rise in new diagnoses for at least three months after vaccination; a second report finds even higher risks for. I apparently stirred up a little hornet's nest with my article on Alex Berenson's estimated Substack . Neither side is good, neither side is awful. CLAY: And 92% in England have either had covid or theyve had the vaccine. The second thing they need to do is just turn down the fear. There was no people being cared for in tents in Central Park. I said, Thats good. Everyone is equal here, everyone has a chance. Jan 14, 2022. For those listeners who may not be aware, what are you are seeing from that data? We all have moments of bad judgment (me included), and I can forgive this one of Alex's. In total, 205,197 of the 256,686 cases in England during September were fully vaccinated. She told me she was gonna get it. Curmudgeons acknowledge the truth that kids will ruin their lawn by running around on it, thus yelling, Its that Alex - who claims to be all about truth -. One said he "had a seizure" reading it. Jan 22, 2022. He instead used the segment to trash not just Ivermectin but Malone for promoting it. Berenson doubled down on being an asshole rather than do the right thing and apologize. The number of infections in Israel has increased more than tenfold in the last month. Have you found a problem with facial & eye swelling ?? I said this on Twitter. Of all Berenson's positions, it was his opposition to the Covid vaccines that elicited the most pushback and vitriol. Federal officials targeted me specifically; when they met with Twitter in April 2021, "they really wanted to know about Alex Berenson" Alex Berenson . A new study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology found increases in COVID are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States. I've shown it to two physicians so far. And third, when kids get covid, unless theyre lightning-strike unlucky or theyre really sick, they dont I mean pre-existing, like have leukemia or some terrible condition . U.K. also did this weird thing where they didnt go with the regular vaccine schedule. Thats what people need to prepare themselves for. Miss Clay on Fox & Friends? But there are some gems, so far, in the beginning. CLAY: I always thought she looks fantastic for her age. ALEX: No. But, yeah, she . I'm assuming by now most of you heard what Alex said to Dr. Malone in an interview last night on Fox News - comments that led to outrage from both of their followers. Even after many doctor visits & meds, swelling recurs. Youve probably seen him on Fox, and you maybe have gotten Unreported Truths downloaded. Jan 9 4/ In October 2022, @scottgottliebmd claimed on Twitter and CNBC that he was not trying to suppress debate on mRNA jabs. We are a republic built for freedom of men and women. You have young children. The Real Emily in Paris 5 min read. They should encourage the sort of rump of people who are at high risk and havent been vaccinated be vaccinated. So you are right now suspended from Twitter for seven days. In the past, he has worked for the New York Times and was part of the liberal media elite. So you gotta multiply that by 30 plus to get to U.S. numbers. RFK Jr. continued, describing Alex as a prickly character and something of a young curmudgeon., Alex responded by saying he didn't know if he was a curmudgeon but that he doesn't like to get pushed around., So Alex is, in personality terms, disagreeable.. They did it on the correct schedule. I think this is significant and thank you. CLAY: This is the first time youve been suspended during the 18 months? They were afraid the disease would be stigmatized. ALEX: So my position on this and what I said to them, to the smart people I talk to is, Youre assuming that you can have partial failure and still have protection, and I dont see great evidence for that in the real-world data. Great article! Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. I just saw your great comment on Alex Berenson's latest post - which I only checked to see if he had responded to his readers yet. They have been burnt to many times by the lies that their politicians say. But for all of us. He has a new book out called PANDEMIA. The Self-Sabotage of Alex Berenson. between the old and the young, high COVID-19 rates in people under the age of 40 is exponentially less of a risk of hospitalization and death compared to high COVID-19 rates among the elderly. "Alex Berenson goes on Fox News and directly calls me a liar to my face and says I didn't invent RNA vaccines," he wrote . A huge French study shows BELIEVING you had Covid is associated with many later symptoms. Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) / Twitter Alex Berenson @AlexBerenson Author of Tell Your Children and Pandemia. GOV. Fauci was around for HIV. They said, You can get this in youre a heterosexual woman and you have sex with the wrong guy one time, you can get this. They knew they were lying. This is a country of nine million people, okay? Though Berenson admittedly leans left, he believes in the freedom of speech and laments the Left's lack of tolerance of diversity of thought. It wasnt the topic of discussion, and it made it look as though Alex had been waiting for this moment and seized it. Successfully sent. S-u-b-s-t-a-c-k. You just put my name in, Alex Berenson, and youll find me. So these are , BUCK: When you talk about myocarditis, what kind of numbers we talking about? . Meta analysis of random controlled trials (RCTs) is clearly level 1 evidence. Alex Berenson Jan 30 505 44-year-old female vegetarian MSNBC host is hospitalized for almost 10 days for heart inflammation, blames everything but the obvious cause It was because of a cold, people. That makes Berenson a good journalist. Just keep beating the drums until everyone believes their lying eyes. Theyre supposed to last 10 years, 20 years, a lifetime. Is that where we are now pretty definitively, based on the data? Which does not change the fact that 72.32% of COVID deaths in England last month were fully vaccinated. In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with a higher percentage ofthe population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. One side of town gets richer the other poorer and then it's all a giant mess. Thanks for being here in the studio with us. Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) January 18, 2023 And if theyre not okay with that, then I guess I have to consider my legal options. At any rate, here was my take on the whole thing: Now, that may not sound like that much, but those young men have essentially zero risk if theyre healthy from covid and theres a second point. After all, whats the point of trying to spread the truth you so fervently seek if it doesnt make for a more beautiful world in the end? That is the reality. This is to their credit. Alex Berenson Shares Unreported Truths About Covid 13 Aug 2021 ,BUCK: We have our friend Alex Berenson with us now. Theres a point that does not get understood here, okay? We know this because Dr. Malone indicated that the producers apologized to him about it and were blindsided themselves. N95s may be largely useful; Im not willing to be as definitive about that. And we dont know how many people that might be because the companies didnt do any work in the clinical trials that might help us with that. Absolutely. Basically, youre gonna get the same content if you pay or if you dont. Alex Berenson warned earlier today that he had information on a new study that would end ALL BOOSTER SHOTS immediately. For example, according to the UK Government, between March 2020 and January 2021, 436 of 80,820 total COVID-19 deaths were 39 and below, representing half of one percent of the countries deaths, while the median age of death was 82 and the mean age of death was 80. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. ALEX: Yes, thats exactly right. Our nation is not like that. BUCK: Alex, Clay wants to establish a lot of things about how youre not anti-vax, and I want to get that in. Youre 70 Well, Im not gonna say how old she is. Unfortunately, it doesnt do that. But it was a long time ago and he needed the research money! This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. They are looking to blame me. Right now, we are being told that if every single person in the entire United States got the covid vaccine, that covid would be over, that people who are unvaccinated are the only reason why covid still exists. He's just a journalist who's been asking questions and gone against the consensus when the data told him to and he is here with us now in studio in New York. Dec 19, 2021. And it is clear, actually, right now from the Israeli data that people who havent been vaccinated are at higher risk of severe illness and death than those people who are vaccinated. Cause originally they did say that it was gonna prevent transmission . The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show Copyright 2021 Premiere Networks, Inc. They have no idea who really gets very sick from this. Those are the numbers. Berenson also discussed Englands case rates by vaccination status featured in Table 2 of the same, The rate of cases per 100,000 classified by age group and vaccination status can be better visualized with Figure 2 from the same, . Trials ( RCTs ) is clearly level 1 evidence: a third time and maybe,... Do have this period where you get it content if you take away others rights be a news story will! We dont use here narratives, so far, in the beginning. ) btw was. Beating the drums until everyone believes their lying eyes of COVID cases in the fully vaccinated take. In a pretty transparent way be vaccinated have loyalty to their own agenda not. Our society that England has completely contradictory data to the United States with the substack alex berenson forget! 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Hero to become inflated on Substack so check him out they need to do is just down. Terrible time, and Cuomo made bad decisions and it was the third hit on when. To congratulate those who have not lost faith will be a news that!